chapter 50

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"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked me.

I smiled at her, "good."

She nodded, "alright. I think you'll be set to leave tomorrow. So enjoy your last night."

She gave me one last smile before leaving the room. My private room.

Three days spent in a private hospital room paid by Hayden. If I hadn't been on any medication I probably would have argued with him about it.

I'm not about to complain though. The private room had been wonders. But I was thankful to finally be leaving.

My ribs, even though they had hurt like a bitch, hadn't actually been broken. Or at least, more broken. Just very badly bruised and irritated. It had undone the healing I had already done but it hadn't caused a more severe splinter in the bone. Thankfully.

My concussion had been a bit worse than expected. I spent the first couple days vomiting from nausea. Hence why I have been in hospital for four days.

Mark had been arrested again, but like last time, posted bail. The difference was, I now had a restraining order against him and an even bigger case with a lot more convincing evidence and witnesses.

And this time I didn't feel alone. I had the support of my friends.

And Hayden.

He'd barely left my side these past couple days, and I knew he was paying the price for it. He hadn't been to a single lacrosse training despite my encouragement. And he had a game this weekend which I knew he was planning to skip.

It didn't sit right with me.

And I knew my attachment to him was getting unhealthy. Because even though I wanted him to pursue lacrosse and go to his training and games, I was relieved when he didn't because I couldn't stand the thought of being apart from him.

I needed him. And not in the healthy type of way. 

When he wasn't with me I was waiting for him to come back. Waiting to feel the comfort and happiness that came with his presence.

And after having a couple sessions with my psychologist, I knew what needed to be done. Even though it would absolutely shatter me to do it.

I spent the rest of the day with friends popping in and out of my hospital room.

Hayden came the next day, helping me to sign the discharge papers, and to drive me home.

I relished the moments with him. In the feel of my hand in his.

He carried my bag while he helped me up the stairs to my apartment. He was still apartment hunting for us to move in together. Another stab in my heart. Another happiness I would break.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, after he'd forced me into bed.

I rolled my eyes, "fine."

He scowled at me. "Hungry?"

I nodded, "yes please."

He ordered some pizza, and turned on a movie while we waited for it and ate it.

He slung his arm around my shoulder, his fingers absentmindedly playing with strands of my hair. It was a moment so simple yet so completely filled with content that it was almost painful to break.

"Are you going to play in the game this Saturday?" I asked him, once the credits had started playing.

He let out a sigh, "actually, I'm thinking of quitting the team."

His words caused me to sit up, turning to face him, "what?"

"Yeah. It won't matter. There are plenty of other great attackers on the team. And it doesn't really make sense for me to continue playing. Especially since I won't be accepting any offers."

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