chapter 27

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The sexual tension on the drive home was unbearable. We barely spoke and instead spent most of the time exchanging glances or making any excuse to touch each other.

Hayden had placed his hand on my inner thigh and had been slowly dragging it higher up my leg as we drove. It had me panting and wanting to rub my legs together, but his hand was in the way.

When Hayden parked the car, we both got out of the car, racing up the stairs to my apartment. I fumbled getting my keys out as Hayden pressed himself along the length of my back, kissing the side of my neck as his hands pressed on my lower stomach.

I shoved the key into the lock, quickly turning it and opening the door, both of us stumbling into the apartment. Hayden shut the door behind him and I spun around, leaning my back against the kitchen counter.

Hayden prowled closer to me, his eyes dark as he looked at me.

I swallowed and quirked my mouth at the corner, "so... wanna watch a movie?"

Hayden stopped in front of me, leaning over me until our faces were inches apart, "I had other ideas."

My breath caught in my throat and my heart sped up in anticipation. Hayden's fingers brushed the hem of my dress before they gripped my waist lifting me onto the counter. He pushed my knees apart, forcing my dress to bunch around my hips.

He took place between my legs, wrapping a hand lightly around my throat, pulling my face towards his.

Our lips crashed together and my eyes fluttered close as our tongues collided with each other, both of us battling for control and trying to feel as much of each other as we could.

I fumbled with the buttons on Hayden's shirt, and annoyed at how slowly I was undressing him, I ended up grabbing the shirt and ripping it open, popping the buttons on the shirt.

Hayden pulled back, staring down at his ruined shirt. I covered my mouth with my hand, stifling my laugh.

"You're going to pay for that," Hayden smirked at me.

I shook my head, holding him back with my hands, "uh uh. This is not my dress so you can't ruin it."

Hayden's eyes glinted but he didn't reply as he kissed me again. I let my hands travel from his chest, down to the planes of his stomach, groaning at the feel of his soft skin stretched over his hard muscles.

Hayden's fingers dug into my thighs, creeping towards my aching centre.

Hayden's mouth trailed from my mouth to my neck, then shoulder, using his teeth to drag the strap of my dress off my shoulders. He repeated the action to my other strap and a breathy moan left me.

His fingers gently brushed against me, probably feeling how soaked I already was.

Hayden sucked in a breath as he ran his finger up and down my core, "already wet for me love?"

I whimpered, trying to move my hips to press his fingers against me. "Hayden," I ground out, "no teasing."

Hayden just smirked and continued to touch me unbearably lightly until I was gripping the counter hard enough that my knuckles turned white and the pulse between my legs turned into a throb.

"Fuck you," I said squirming, "please."

Hayden chuckled but finally pressed his fingers firmly against me. He rubbed me through my flimsy underwear, the added friction from it making my head tilt backwards as I groaned.

Hayden kissed a line down my throat as he pushed my underwear aside, touching me skin to skin. Both of us hissed as Hayden sought me out, circling my clit with the pad of his thumb. His fingers teased my entrance before slowly sliding in.

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