chapter 39

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Jetlag was a bitch. We'd got back to New York a couple days ago and I was still exhausted from the time difference. I was tired in the mornings and stayed up well into the night. Hayden had done a better job at getting over it, having slept on the plane and resetting his body clock before we even stepped off the plane and into New York.

I was a different case though. I was terrible at sleeping on planes. And even worse at forcing myself to sleep at certain times. I was slowly readjusting and Hayden was helping by forcing me awake at a normal time in the day, then dragging me around to do various things so I wouldn't fall back asleep.

Which is how I ended up at the gym with him. And not just him, but his whole ass lacrosse team. Since getting back from Australia, Hayden had been going flat out at the gym and training. And on New Years Eve. A day I should most definitely not be at the gym.

I had refused to go to the gym with him. I was fit, but mainly just in running. I had a very small amount of upper body strength and my abs were relatively strong but that was again only because of running. My strength mostly was in my legs and ass. But my exercise almost only consisted of running and the occasional at home workout.

Hayden was fit all over. Excellent cardio, strong legs, abs and arms. He could probably bench press two of me. He'd been trying to get me to go to the gym with him for ages, claiming it would be fun to work out together.

I'd always refused since gyms gave me social anxiety and paranoia that everyone was staring at me looking like a sweaty pig as I did my exercises. And also, I would look embarrassing doing anything exercise related next to Hayden. Let alone his entire lacrosse team who were all equally as fit and muscled up, if not more.

But here I was. At the gym. With Hayden. Kill me. 

He'd finally convinced me, saying it would help wake me up and since I had literally nothing better to do, I agreed.

Zack, Aiden and Ty were all here and I ended up meeting the rest of the team as well. They all seemed pretty nice and they all got along well. Probably why they were such a good team.

I managed to impress a couple of them during the warm up run on the treadmills but that impressive streak ended as soon as we got off and Hayden taught me the ab and leg circuit.

I was literally dying.

Zack and Aiden teased me the whole time and Ty just gave me sly smiles as he tried to hide his own amusement. I didn't even have the energy to glare at them.

If Hayden still thought I was beautiful after this, I'd genuinely be surprised. My face was red and sweaty and the noises I was making were actually embarrassing.

I did the last push up and fell onto my stomach, not caring anymore that people could be staring at me.

Hayden laughed, "hate to break it to you but you'll probably be kicked out if you fall asleep now."

"Good. Then I don't need to do more exercise and I get to stop embarrassing myself," I mumbled.

Zack nudged me with his foot, "oh come on Vee. You're not that embarrassing. I mean, you've managed to keep up this far."

I raised a brow, "this far? There's more?"

Hayden grinned, "yep. Weight lifting now."

"I cannot do that," I argued. Hayden just grinned before picking me off the floor. I groaned in protest, my legs feeling shaky as I stood. Hayden walked me to the bench press and began setting it up with Zack. My eyes nearly popped out of my head at the amount of weights he was placing on.

"Oh my god," I gaped.

Hayden just smirked and set down a towel before sliding onto the bench. Zack stood behind him, ready to spot him as I stared. Hayden lifted the bar and began pumping out reps. My mouth dropped the more reps he did. It looked effortless. As if the weights were light as a feather.

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