chapter 33

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I'd fallen into a rhythm.

I stayed at my apartment during the weekdays and stayed at Hayden's during the weekend. Most days Hayden slept at my apartment during the week but sometimes he stayed at his place, particularly for his early morning training.

Every morning I woke up at seven. When Hayden was at my apartment, I let him sleep in and went about my business, showering and dressing, but Hayden was always awake by the time I'd made it to the kitchen with breakfast cooked and ready for me to eat.

On most days I was now driven to Uni, either by Harley or Hayden. When neither of them could drive me, I caught the subway. Which was fine by me.

I also caught up on all my reading and was now back on top of all my school work and assessments that I was now working on. 

But the most exciting development was my new job.

I had managed to sort out my timetable, so now on Mondays I had one class and the rest of the day was free for me to study. On Wednesday's I had a tutorial and nothing else. That meant I'd go to Uni and sit in the library for most of the day studying. On Wednesdays I sometimes joined a study group with Brooke and Jack. But I preferred to study independently most of the time.

On those days I also was able to get lunch with either Harley and Ophelia or sometimes would meet Hayden somewhere between Columbia and NYU.

But on both Monday and Wednesday I went to my new job. On Mondays I now came in at one in the afternoon and on Wednesdays at three. Depending on the day I'd either leave at six or seven, or sometimes even later, leaving the building at closer to nine.

On Sunday's though, I came in at nine in the morning and was allowed to leave at five, but sometimes I stayed another hour. Or two. 

Rebecca wasted no time using me as a clerk. Her and her two lawyers working for her, both women, called Stacey and Charlotte, had me signing countless forms, carrying files around, sitting through tedious meetings to take notes for them or even just getting them all their morning and afternoon coffees.

It was tiring work but I loved it. Rebecca, despite remaining icy for most of the time, seemed to like me. I was filled with countless questions and didn't hesitate to ask her or Stacey or Charlotte. None of them seemed to mind.

I liked my job even better because I got to work under a group of women. Rebecca was a total badass, and Stacey and Charlotte were equally as cool but a lot more friendly than Rebecca.

Like I expected, I haven't seen Mark or Dave since I'd started working here. Not even a bump in while I was in the elevator.

And with the money that I now earned, I was able to expand my wardrobe a little. I invested mostly in clothes for work. I absolutely hated the pencil skirts so instead bought a couple simple black and navy dresses, and a few pant suits.

I'd had to start going to my classes dressed in my work clothes on Monday and Wednesdays since changing took too much time and I didn't want to have to carry around a bag with a spare change of clothes.

On those days I mostly got a few stares from people around me but I ignored them and channelled some badass Rebecca energy. And besides, Hayden seemed to love it when I dressed professionally. That was the only opinion I actually cared about.

Hayden worked out basically everyday but his lacrosse training didn't start until December. The team still got together once in a while just to stay fit. He still tried to convince me to go to the gym with him, but I refused and instead settled on just going for a run with him.

But between both of our busy schedules, we made Saturday our hang out day. I'd spend Friday night at Hayden's place and then spend all of Saturday with him. We'd do our homework together, helping each other whenever we could, or just lying in bed together. Either having sex or cuddling. Both were fine by me.

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