chapter 28

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Hayden's POV

We'd been talking for hours now. It was the early morning now and Violet was just starting to drift off. I could tell by the drooping of her eyes and the way she started humming responses and not answering in full sentences.

I was far from tired though. I'd been thinking about this night for a while now. And it was so much more than I'd ever dreamed of. Being with her like that, close and intimate. Her finally trusting me enough to do that with me. It made me admire her all the more. And want her a hell of a lot more than I already did.

And damn me to hell, but it filled my mind with so many more despicable things that I wanted to do to her. To make her make those delicious noises again.

I turned us over so that we were both lying on our sides, facing each other. I studied her face. She was still a little tanned from the lake house. Her cheeks were rosy, her lips still swollen from all of our kisses. I reached my hand out gently skimming my fingers across her freckles which I'd come to love.

She was perfect. Not just in looks, but in everything else too.

Her eyes opened, her usual greyish green eyes even more pale in the darkness of her room. With her light skin and eyes and her dark hair she looked angelic.

"Sorry," she mumbled, "did you say something?"

Her voice was refreshing. The slight Australian lilt to it was like music amongst the usual American chatter.

I tucked a strand of her soft hair behind her ear, "no," I said, "you should sleep."

"You're not sleeping," she said.

"I will soon," I told her, smiling at her sleepy expression. How did she manage to look adorable, gorgeous and beautiful all at the same time.

"Ok," she murmured, her tiredness winning. I grinned, leaning forward to brush my lips against hers. When I pulled back her mouth was split into a tired grin.

"Goodnight love," I whispered, pulling her against me, savouring the warmth radiating off her. She let out a content sigh snuggling into me and I smiled wider.

Who knew that complete happiness like this could exist?

I recalled what Dylan had said to me that night we'd crashed at his place.

'She's falling so hard for you, you know,' he'd said.

'How do you know?' I'd asked.

'The way she looks at you. She hasn't looked at anyone like that in ages.'

'How does she look at me?'

'Like she's already in love. But doesn't know it.'

Whether she was already in love with me or falling for me, it didn't matter. Because I'd be there to catch her. And I had a feeling no matter how we ended up in life, I'd always be there to catch her.

Violet Reeves had managed to wriggle her way into my life and now there was absolutely no chance I was ever letting go.

Because she wasn't the only one who was falling.

Or fallen.

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