chapter 18

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It was Saturday, and I was crowded in Harley's room with Harley and Jess getting ready for a party. Jess was going to an NYU party, while Harley and I were going to the party Hayden's house was hosting.

Hayden hadn't seemed too keen on the party when I'd brought it up a few days after our date.

I'd sent him a text asking what he was doing on Saturday night, to which he replied 'hanging out with you hopefully.'

That text itself had made me grin like a love sick schoolgirl. I then asked him if he wanted to hang out with me at his house while also possibly enjoying a party that would coincidentally be at the same place.

He relented in the end but he made me swear that we would not repeat what happened at the last party. Didn't take any persuading for me to agree to that.

So here I was, getting my makeup done by Harley while Jess sorted through clothes trying to find an outfit I would actually wear.

Normally it was Ophelia who did my makeup but she was out on a date with some guy she'd met on Tinder. Harley, Jess and I had all promised to be on standby in case something went terribly wrong.

"Not too much," I grumbled at Harley as she dabbed some concealer under my eyes. Her obsession with doing me up in full glam was constant and kind of terrifying. 

She rolled her eyes, "oh shush. I'm putting barely anything on. You are so lucky you do not have eye bags."

"Vi what about this?" Jess asked, holding up a singlet top that laced up at the back. I shrugged. It was better than all the bralettes and corsets she'd shown me earlier which would not have fit me properly.

"I'll take that as a yes," Jess said then started the hunt for some pants and shoes.

Harley was already dressed in a cute little black dress, and Jess wore a lacy top with a mini skirt. Both of them had on tall heels that I could only dream of wearing without falling on my face. Which is why Jess pulled out a pair of boots instead. 

Once Harley had finished my makeup, I changed into the clothes and walked back into Harley's room doing a twirl. The pants Jess had chosen were high waisted, tight black jeans that made my legs look long as.

Harley cheered and held her hand up for Jess to high five, "wow. We did it again."

"God we are basically professionals," Jess nodded.

"What should I do with my hair?" I asked.

I had showered this morning so it was in its natural state, which was basically straight with the very slightest wave. Normally I would curl it, since I did enjoy the way curls framed my face but Harley waved her hand in the air, "leave it. It looks nice."

"Ok," Jess said, clapping her hands together, "I'm ordering an Uber now so I'll see you guys later."

Harley nodded, "ok. Us too then. Call if you need."

Jess smiled, "see ya later."

We waved goodbye, watching through our window to make sure she got in her Uber alright.

"You excited?" Harley asked with a smirk on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "oh shush."

"Planning to make out again?" Harley continued.

I glared, "what about you and Aiden? You two planning on making out?"

That shut her up.

I laughed at her silence, "oh come on Harles. You are so obviously into him. And he's into you. What's the big deal?"

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