chapter 40

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"Have you heard?" Brooke asked as we waited for coffee. Sadly, there weren't that many great coffee places in America, but I'd found this cafe right near where my criminal tute was. It wasn't the best but it did the job.

I brought Brooke with me, trying to expand her horizons past Starbucks. So far it hasn't worked. Turns out Brooke wasn't into lattes. Or coffees that aren't pumped with sugar. Either way, she still always came with me before our criminal tute. Mainly because we had the same class but also because the cafe sold some pretty great muffins.

"Heard what?" I said, grabbing my coffee and muffin when the barista called my name.

We left the cafe making our way to our class.

"Professor Clark is on leave for the rest of the term." Professor Clark was our criminal professor.

I raised my brows, "oh. Seriously? Why?"

Brooke shrugged, pushing her now purple hair behind her ears as the wind ripped around us. I'd had to dress professionally today since I had work after my classes for the day. I'd settled on a nice pant suit which let me sneak in some thermals underneath, along with a coat and scarf. I'd much rather a hoodie and track pants though. "I think he has an injury."

"What kind of injury?" I asked, sipping on my coffee. The weather was only getting colder and I welcomed the warmth of the coffee.

"No clue. Someone told me he had an aneurysm. Another person said he snapped his achilles."

"Jesus," I said, grimacing. Poor Professor. "Do you know who is taking our class then?"

Brooke shook her head, "no. I hope it's someone young."

I laughed, "Brooke, I hate to tell you but you can't hook up with a professor."

"I can try," she smirked at me.

I laughed. We made our way into our tute room, taking a seat at the back of the class. We were pretty early, and sat in the class, chatting while we waited for the other couple of people to get to class.

I was just getting comfortable in my seat, finishing the last sip of my coffee when Mark walked through the door. I watched as he walked to the front of the class and took a seat behind the desk. The Professor's desk.

I must be hallucinating right now because this was not fucking happening.

The coffee got caught in my throat and I coughed, choking on it. Brooke sent me a wide eyed gaze as she began smacking me on the back, until I could breathe again.

This was not happening.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Including Mark's.

"Do you need a moment Violet?" he asked.

This time the breath left me, but not because I was choking on my coffee. Instead of answering, I lowered my gaze to the floor and sunk further into my seat.

Mark seemed to take the hint and began the class. "Professor Clark has unfortunately had an injury over Christmas break and is on leave until next term. I am acting as his stand in for this criminal class for the remainder of the term."

I felt sick. This could not be happening. Mark was a stand in for one of my professors. I would need to talk to him. Communicate with him. Be in a room with him. It was suddenly extremely hot inside.

Brooke must have noticed my change in attitude because she sent me a worried look before grabbing my hand and squeezing gently. She didn't know why I was reacting like this and she didn't ask either. It helped calm me a bit and I managed to sit through the class without any panic.

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