Chapter 2

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You guys reach 2 hours before the actual event and it already got crowded
You look at Ari smiling, "what did I tell ya?"

Ari replies "but I don't see them practicing? I guess they are already getting ready for the concert"

You get out of the car fixing your hair "I need to pee"

Ari while still in the car looks at you through the window "alright wait till i get the car parked"

You reply, "well I'm obviously not gonna pee here"

Ari rolls her eyes, "you know what? I hope you lose control and you do!"
She then drives off

You stand there giggling just outside the entrance of the stadium which is already packed with Armys and you wonder "A few years ago this was only a dream, I never knew I would actually get to attend one.. I'm so happy and excited I will be listening to their voices live! The seven wonderful men who inspired me to never give up on my dreams. They have no idea how much they mean to me, they have no idea how they have altered every army's life in the most positive way. I admire them so much"

Ari yells from a distance while walking towards you, "Have you peed yet? I got the diapers!"

Some of the Armys who were near by heard Ari and started giggling.

You get Embarrassed and yell back "Are you done drying your pants though? I got the cologne so it doesn't stink!"

By then Ari got to you and she hits you on your arm "would ya shut up?"

You shrug "well you started"

Ari checking her bag nervously "bish I dont have my phone with me"

You snatch the bag from her and start searching "are you sure you brought it with you?"

Ari replies "oh wait I left it in the car, I will go get it quick"

You roll your eyes "By the time we get in they will be done with their concert, pack up and go home, make another hit song and...."

You are paused by Ari "okay I get it now lemme go"

You roll your eyes again "why haven't you gone yet why were you even listening to me"

Ari runs to the parking lot while yelling, "YOU AND YOUR SARCASTIC ASS ARE SLEEPING OUTSIDE TONIGHT"

You giggle and start wondering again "Ari and I only dreamt of attending a BTS concert in Highschool, now we are studying in a university in Korea and both speak fluent korean. We worked our asses off and saved money for this concert. I met Ari in  Highschool, I was the only foreigner in the class and got along with only a few of the students.. I never knew we would become best of friends and share an apartment in a foreign country. I love her and I love to annoy her"

Your thoughts are disturbed by an approaching car and you see a familiar face and you go "oh That's Jimin"
Your words then hit you, "JIMIN?! PARK JIMIN?!"

Jimin quickly gets out of the car and runs to you
He was wearing a black hoodie covering his gorgeous blond hair and wearing a black mask
He grabs your hand pulls to a tree near by and says "shuuuusshhh"
And struggles in Konglish "I forget something very jungdaehan inside so i-"

You pause him and speak in very fast English, "omgomgomgomgomg it's Park Jimin I'm so sorry I get that you want me to shut up but omgomgomgomgomg it's Park Jimin infront of me"

Jimin looks at you confused

You let in deep breaths and then start speaking in Korean "hello and im so sorry I get that you are trying to say that you left something important inside and I assume you got here to get that"

Jimin replies looking surprised by your fluent korean "wow uhm yeah
And I have to get back quickly cause I need to get ready and I don't want to be seen by any Armys right now cause i don't have any guards with me  and I do not know if I would be able to handle that"

You smile at him, "it's okay, I understand and I don't mean to be disrespectful and I get that you have to return as soon as possible and you can say no but could I pleeeeease get a picture with you?"

He is awestruck by your adorable smile and couldn't say no

You guys take a selfie and he moves quickly towards his car and while he is doing so he tells you "I'm looking forward to see you at the concert" and smiles at you.

As you see his car leave, you start jumping up and down in excitement "OMGOMGOMGOMG!!"

Jimin sees you jumping in excitement through his rearview mirror and wonders "how adorable!"

Ari walks up to you while you were still jumping and starts jumping with you "WHY ARE WE JUMPING?"

You stop jumping and hug Ari really tight "you won't believe what just happened"

Ari replies, "tell me so I can believe"

You hold her hand and pulls her with you while you walk into the stadium and tell her "I will tell you when we get home"

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now