Chapter 31

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     "You know thats not what I meant", Eunwoo tells Ari.

"Why did you never confess to me?", she asks him.

"You never did either", he replies.

"I didnt know you felt the same and I did come to the Airport that day but...", she starts to explain.

"But....?", he asks.

"You were gone by the time I got there.. I was too late I am sorry", she replies.

"I thought I was over you but I couldnt get myself to feel anything for anyone other than you.... I realised I was still in love with you when I saw you cry to y/n.... I am so sorry you had to go through that", she apologises.

He hugs her, "No dont be sorry, now that we are together and I know that you love me, its all good.. The Euphoria I am feeling right now cannot be explained in words."

She breaks the hug and looks at him and smirks, "We are in a room.... alone"

On seeing Ari's smirk he gets so nervous that he loses balance falling on to the bed with Ari below him.

They both lock eyes and blush.

"and now we are on the bed", she smirks again.

He grabs her wrists pinning them above her head, "Keep smirking and I will make you moan"

He grabs her wrists pinning them above her head, "Keep smirking and I will make you moan"

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She blushes hard, "Wha- what do you mean?"

"I will show you what I mean", he leans in to kiss her.


--You are standing in front of the club looking around for Jimin--

You get a text from Jimin,

"Wait at the backdoor"

"I just hope the waiter from that day doesnt see me", you think as you walk towards the backdoor.

You see a black car approaching, "Is that him?", you wonder.

The door opens and someone wearing all black grabs your hand and pulls you in.

You are now sitting on the passenger's seat next to the driver's seat looking all confused and still trying to process all that happened with in a span of few seconds.

You look to your left to find someone wearing a black hoodie, black pants, a black mask and sunglasses almost making it impossible to recognise them at all.

"Who the hell is going to recognise you at this hour of the night that you had to dress up as if you are robbing the bank?", you ask him.


"Well.... you are stupid", you reply.

"What do you mean I am stupid?!", he asks in an annoyed tone while continuing to drive.

"You asked me to meet at the backdoor, who else could be pulling stunts like this anyway?", you reply.

"Besides it all happened so fast I needed time to process", you tell him

"you needed time to process your kidnapping??", he asks sarcastically.

"Oh get over it, you are my boyfriend not my kidnapper", you reply in an annoyed tone.

He finally notices you in your pyjamas and thinks, "so adorable!!!"

You notice him staring at you.

"LOOK AT THE ROAD!", you yell.

He pushes the breaks thinking you both were going to crash into something.

"The road is empty why would you yell like that?", he asks.

"For fun?", you reply chuckling.

"You know what else we could do for fun?", he asks smirking at you.

"Drop me back to the hotel?", you reply looking away.

He giggles, "Lets go to my dorm.. the boys arent home tonight"

"For....?", you ask in a nervous tone.

"What do you think?", he winks at you.

"But you said we wouldnt do anything tonight cause I would be tired after the wedding ceremony and I am tired!", you protest.

"I am talking about grabbing dinner.... I cooked for us both", he tells you.

"Yeah..... so? we uhm need energy to eat as well", you reply getting red with embarrassment.

He starts to drive again.

"Where are the boys?", you ask him.

"Hobi hyung and Jungkook are practising, I havent seen Taehyung since lunch, I havent seen Yoongi hyung since breakfast, Jin Hyung and Joon Hyung may or may not have had a fight cause I saw them storming out", he tells you.

"Theres so much happening in there", you smile.

"Your smile is like my favourite thing", he tells you while adoring your smile.

You smile even wider hearing him say that.  

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now