Chapter 23

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"You both got a job at Hybe?", Eunwoo asks in disbelief.

"Yes and why is it so hard to believe?", you ask him.

"Yes why is it so hard to believe that Jimin would hire his future wife just to be able to spend time with her?", Ari teases with a smirk.

"Jeez!! I am not his wife", you blush hard.

"I said FUTURE wife", Ari looks at you.

"oh", you reply.

"So wheres that guy who called you 50 times?", Eunwoo asks Ari with an annoyed look.

"Okay before we get into that, Eunwoo my brother, you need to stop inflicting your anger on our door", you tell him.

"Yeah, do you like storming out of places? freaking Drama Queen", Ari replies giving Eunwoo an annoyed look.

"You are just trying to avoid talking about the guy you are seeing, fucking get married to him I dont care", Eunwoo thinks looking at Ari.

"uhm, hello?", you wave at Eunwoo on not getting his response.

"Why do I have to like her? its been years, why cant I just move on?! why is it so hard?", Eunwoo thinks, tearing up.

You notice the tears in his eyes.

Eunwoo storms out slamming the door hard.

"The man be acting like he is on his periods 24/7. We should get rid of the door, we can live without a door, cant we?", Ari tells you.

You ignore Ari and run out hoping to catch Eunwoo before he leaves the building.

"What do I do to get a little respect in this house?", Ari wonders.


Eunwoo was about to get into the elevator when you quickly ran to him and grabbed his arm pulling him towards you. He hugs you tight and sobs silently. 

Your heart breaks to see him like this. They are both your closest friends, why did it have to be this way? You feel completely helpless, you want to do everything in your power to help him get over her but how?

You hug him back while trying to hold back your own tears, "I am so sorry you are going through all this"

"I just want to move on, but why is it so hard? why is it so hard to move on from her? why do I keep falling deeper and deeper in love with her when she doesnt feel the same? It hurts so much.. It hurts alot", his voice breaks as he expresses his pain, sobbing hard.

"My university is arranging this camp, I dont know what exactly it is but its a month long camp and anyone's free to go. I think you should go, clear your mind out, meet other people, maybe date too? Since you are seeing her after years of separation, the feelings are rushing back. This could be a good break", you tell him wiping his tears.

"That might not be a bad idea", he says while still sobbing softly.

"I will text you the details then, you can register online.", you tell him patting his head.

He gives you a one last hug, "Thank you for being there."

You wave bye as the elevator closes.


You get back into your apartment feeling heavy from what happened a few minutes ago.

You sit on your couch not being able to forget Eunwoo's face when he was crying.

You start hearing silent sobbing from afar, "did he not leave yet?", you wonder.

You follow the sound and realise its coming from Ari's room. You knock on her door, "Hey, you okay in there?"

"No, I hurt my toe!", Ari replies back.

"Wow! Both of my bestfriends going through such big problems, I dont know whose to solve first", you wonder.

You get a notification on your phone and you quickly check.

Hello, its Hwasa. We have received your work on your last hypothetic event and I must say I am very impressed by your creativity and you sure are a fast learner. The boys have been invited to perform at an event this evening and I would like you to come with our official make up team. Please be at the office in an hour for prep work.

"Of course! I am a pro at whatever I do", you compliment yourself.

Thank you so much Miss Hwasa and we will be there in an hour!  ,you reply

"Hey get ready! We have to be at work in an hour!", you tell Ari.

She opens the door, "In an hour? dont we have like 2 and a half hours?"

"Miss Hwasa e mailed me, we have got an actual event to work on. She loved our work from yesterday", you tell her.

You notice her eyes, puffy and red, "She looks like she cried alot and its definitely not over a hurt toe", you wonder.

You get into your room to get ready and notice the card that Jimin gave you last night and decide to give him a call.

You call him and he picks up.

"Hello! We are making "The return of the Dengus" and we would like to offer you the lead role", you tell him mockingly.

"Y/n, you are going to be here in an hour right? get ready to pay for this", he tells you in a naughty tone.

You quickly hang up, "Oh shit I am not ready for this"

You suddenly get flashbacks from last night, the passion filled eyes when he said he will make every furniture know who you actually belong to. If he hadnt pronounced Dennis' name wrong, you know your work room would be non existent by now. "Oh God just thinking about it is giving me chills", you think.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now