The End?

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You feel a sudden hit on your head and the telephone falls from your hand. The blow was so hard that the adrenaline rush numbed the pain. You lose your balance and everything starts to get blurry, you manage to somehow turn around to check as to what just happened.

Everything in front of you has almost blacked out but you manage to keep your eyes open only to find someone wearing a black hoodie

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Everything in front of you has almost blacked out but you manage to keep your eyes open only to find someone wearing a black hoodie. You cant seem to clearly see their face as you are fighting to stay awake. 


Dennis wakes up hearing your phone ring an infinite number of times.

"I am on vacation! Let me sleep!", he groans.

He answers the call.


Dennis - "WHO? WHAT?"

Ari - "Dennis??? Where the hell is y/n?!"

Dennis - "I have no idea, I just woke up.... whats going on??"

Ari - "Theres no time for me to explain but please find her... Eunwoo and I are searching for her as well.. If you find her, take her back home and dont let her out!"

Dennis - "We will find her, dont worry!"

--They hung up--

Dennis rushes out of the apartment in his boxers.


--Jimin and the officers are at culprit's house--

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? WHERE IS SHE?", Jimin demands for an answer.

"Oh, I didnt do anything.. I just posted your sweet romance into the web, the fans will do what they want to do now", she replies with no guilt.

Jimin punches the wall next to him in frustration, "Arrest her and we have to find y/n as soon as possible, I have a really bad feeling something happened to her", he tells the officer while trying hard not to breakdown.

Jimin punches the wall next to him in frustration, "Arrest her and we have to find y/n as soon as possible, I have a really bad feeling something happened to her", he tells the officer while trying hard not to breakdown

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Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now