Chapter 27

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Ari throws herself onto her bed and sighs, "I didnt even do much but today was so tiring."

She hears a notification go off on her phone and checks.

Its a text from Jaewook, 

"Open your window"

"Open my window?", she replies.

She hears a bang on her window and quickly checks.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!", Ari freaks out seeing Jaewook climbing up the window on a third floor, she quickly opens the window to help him get in.

"Stop being so loud and pull me up", Jaewook tells her while struggling to get in.

Ari somehow pulls him up and quickly closes the window and covers it up with the curtain.

"Why couldnt you just come through the main door like a normal person?", she asks him.

"Because a fan recognised me", he replies with a grin.

"So you climbed up the window?? and to the third floor? how???", she asks with confusion.

"I dont know I fleeeeeew", he replies trying to maintain balance while standing.

"If dispatch followed you here, we are gonna be on news tomorrow, you have risked your career", she tells him with a concerned look.

"And are you drunk?", Ari asks seeing him trying hard to even keep his eyes open.

"Yes.... I am drunk on you", he replies while slowly moving towards her.

 "Jae..?", she starts walking backwards.

"You are all I was thinking about during my shoot... I dont know what you have done to me, I am falling for you", he tells her while still moving towards her.

"I dont like whats happening....", she thinks.

She finally reaches the end of the room with Jaewook being so close to her she can smell the alcohol filled breath. "Jaewook, you are drunk, please dont do anything you will regret", she tells him with tears in her eyes.

He grabs her waist looking at her eyes, "Why wont you let me move on?"

"what?", she replies.

"Why am I still stuck on you?", he asks resting his forehead on hers.

"Hana.... please be mine, I still love you", he tells her.

"Hana?", Ari thinks in confusion.

Jaewook passes out on Ari, she quickly holds him and manages to rest him on her bed. She tucks him in making sure he is warm and gets out to the kitchen.

"So Hana was the one he was thinking about during his shoot. Maybe she is an ex?", she starts wondering.

"But why isnt that bothering me? Shouldnt I be jealous? Why was I scared when he started getting close to me?", she thinks.



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You sit in front of the computer thinking about what Hwasa said even though everyone in your department left early today. You just couldnt get yourself to leave with so many things in your mind. You didnt even realise Ari left an hour ago. "Jimin fired her cause he loves me?", you think.

You receive a text from Ari.

"Come back home right now! We need to talk"

"Ah I just wanna disappear", you think while reading Ari's text.

Hwasa walks in to your workroom, "Why are you still here? you trying to get me fired?"

"But why are you here? our whole department left", you ask her.

Hwasa gets a call.

"I am sorry sir, I told her to leave an hour ago but she is still here"

"Ooh I better leave", you start packing up your things.

"Yes sir, I will tell her to do so", Hwasa replies on the call.

"Go down to the parking lot", Hwasa tells you.

"But why?", you ask her.

"Just go", she tells you.


Just when the elevator opened to the parking lot, Jimin gets in and turns you around  making you face the wall of the elevator.

"What are you doing?", you ask him.

"Just trust me", he tells you while blindfolding you with a cloth.

"Okay now walk with me", he tells you, holding your hand guiding you out.

"Are you kidnapping me?", you ask him while walking with him.

"No I am not but do you want me to?", he smirks.

"I cant see but I still know you are smirking", you tell him.

"Okay, we are here", he tells you while taking off your blindfold.

You slowly open your eyes.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now