Chapter 12

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You and Jimin have a good time together. You are bonding with Jimin and not the vocalist of BTS. He is as sweet as you all have ever known him to be. He is way much more humble than Armys thought him to be. His life doesnt revolve around singing and dancing alone, he is way much more than you could have ever thought. 

Seeing him smile up so close, hearing him giggle not just through a screen, the beautiful eye smile every Army fell for, that damn crooked front tooth of his, you start noticing every detail. He is so beautiful. Armys really werent kidding when they called him a fallen angel . You are falling for him, you have fallen for him deep. He is no longer just an idol, you are no longer just a fan. You are in love with him. It feels like all the angels from heaven above wrote your name on his book of destiny. You were meant to attend that concert, Ari was meant to forget her phone in the car, Jimin was meant to forget something that he had to come back for, its like everything in the universe aligned to make that meeting happen. Now the real question is are you meant to be together? People fall deep in love and go back to being strangers like its nothing. Is that whats going to become of you both? He sure is into you but will he able to stay by your side when toxic fans pressurise him? Will you be able to stay by his side seeing he is getting hate from the toxic fans beacause of you? That one concert changed your life forever no matter what you do its never going to be the same. You either live a life in which you get to flex the fact that you dated a celebrity or live a life in which you both have to stand against the world to even date. As magical as it seems, it really has a very bitter side to it. The question is, do you love him enough to endure that?

"So how did you know I skipped breakfast?", you ask him eating a banana.

"We had a doctor check up on you", Jimin replies.

"You guys called a doctor?", You ask him.

"Mainly cause Eunwoo thought you were pregnant", Jimin says mockingly.

"He thought what?!", you reply in astonishment.

"No one really knows what goes through his mind anyway", Jimin replies with a smile.

"I am a virgin and that idiot thought somebody knocked me up", you mumble softly while throwing the banana peel into the dustbin.

"You are a what?", Jimin asks.

"We need extra virgin oil", you reply searching through the cupboards.

"for?", Jimin looks around with confusion.

"How did you and Eunwoo become friends?", you ask him going back into the living room to sit on the couch.

"Well I-", Jimin stops hearing the main door open.

"I am back!", Eunwoo opens the door.

"WELCOME BACK HOME", you tackle hug him.

Eunwoo catches and hugs you back, "Aw man I missed your tackle hugs so much."

Jimin looks at you both annoyed by the fact that you tackle hugged him, "I am gonna go tackle hug Taehyung."

"What?", Eunwoo looks at Jimin.

"Nothing, go drop her and come back soon", Jimin tells Eunwoo in an annoyed tone.

"Aight lets go, do you have your phone and bag with you?", Eunwoo asks.

You grab your bag and put your phone in it, "yep! lets go!"

You wave Jimin bye and smile at him, "Goodnight Jimin."

He waves back smiling, "Goodnight y/n."


--You are in the car with Eunwoo giving him directions back to your apartment--

"You have to get in to meet Ari, she is gonna be super excited to see you", you tell him with a tone of excitement.

You notice his smile fade away.

"You still like her huh?", you ask him.

Eunwoo scoffs, "Hell no! that was just a highschool crush, I was over her the second I moved back."

"You dont have to lie to me", you tell him.

Eunwoo sighs.

"No y/n I dont like her, I freaking love her. I tried getting over her but I couldnt. It hurts, it fucking hurts. We have not been in touch for so long and yet I cant seem to fall out of love if anything I keep falling deeper in love with her", Eunwoo tears up.

"I am sorry you have to go through this", you look away.

"She didnt even come to the karaoke party", he says in a devastated tone.

"But she did come to the airport to see you off", you look at him.

"no she didnt", Eunwoo stops the car.

"yes she did! Since she didnt make it to our last karaoke she was feeling really bad and even though we decided not to meet at the airport cause we didnt wanna say goodbye to eachother she wanted to see you one last time. In fact she even called me to confirm your flight schedule", you tell him.

"then why didnt I see her at the airport?", Eunwoo asks.

"I dont know.. Why didnt you confess to her? now its too late, she is already seeing someone", you sigh.

"Fear of rejection...", Eunwoo replies in frustration.

"And when did you come back to Korea? Werent you flying to New York that day?", you ask him.

"I studied in New York for five months before Mom and Dad officially split up and I decided to live with Mom so I came back. I wanted to contact you guys but there was a whole lot going on and..", Eunwoo tries to explain.

You hold his hand, "Its okay I understand, we are back in eachother's lives now.. We will be eachother's crying shoulder."

"Lets go and find out why Ari didnt make it to the airport", you tell him.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now