Chapter 38

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You pretended to be deep asleep when Ari came to wake you up for work. You quickly wash up and start getting ready as you realise everyone left except Dennis who is still deep asleep.

"I am going to get tested at the hospital this time", you think while tying your hair.

You get your phone only to realise it has no charge so you put it on charge to get it later, "I have no time to wait for it to charge, I will come back soon anyway", you think.



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--At the station-- 

"We have found the culprit behind the prank calls", Joongki hands Jimin a file with all the details of the culprit.

He recognises the face, "Wait... her?!"

"Yes she used to work in Hybe", Joongki confirms.

Jimin recalls a particular day, its the lady who was fired for insulting you. She is taking her revenge perhaps?

"I fired her, she insulted y/n....I think she even saw us together", he recollects.

"Well I am afraid, she has pictures taken of you and y/n together. We traced the call to her place and will be on our way to get her arrested, do you want to accompany us? Although I suggest you to stay indoors for a while", Joongki explains.

"She didnt leak the pictures yet so I am not at risk, we have to get to her before she she leaks them", he tells him.

Officer Joonki receives a call from an unknown number.

He picks up, "Hello?"

On hearing the caller on the other end, he quickly gestures his team to trace the call and puts it on speaker.

"I see that you have found me, these idols need to know their place and I will be the one to show them!", she tells them.

"I will give you the money that you want! Leave y/n out of this, dont you dare leak the pictures", Jimin commands.

"You insulted me and now I will take your fame and your so called girlfriend away from you", she hangs up.

"WE HAVE FOUND WHERE THE CALL WAS FROM", an officer from across the room informs them.

"Then what are we waiting for?, Lets go!", Joongki leaves with his team.

Jimin hurries with Joongki and tries to call you. "Why is she not picking up?"

He quickly calls Ari and tells her everything that has happened, to stay with you and not to let you go out under any circumstances.



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You are holding a positive pregnancy report as you walk out of the consultation room. You have mixed feelings going through your heart but you do know that you want to talk about this to Jimin as soon as possible. You are happy and you know that you are ready but theres a fear of him not being ready as you guys just got into a relationship.

You look for your phone in your bag only to realise that you left it on charge at home.

You remember passing by a telephone booth near the hospital and decide to call him.

You start sprinting out of the hospital only to remember that you are pregnant and slow down, "I have to be careful now", you smile and tell yourself.



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You quickly dial his number and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello?", He answers.

"Its y/n!", you tell him.

"WHERE ARE YOU? YOU NEED TO GO HOME NOW!", he says in a panicked tone.

"uh.. I am on my way home and I have got something to tell you!!", you tell him excitedly.


"Tell me where you are, I will come pick you up, you are in dan..", he pauses.

He pauses on hearing a loud thud from your side and the call ends.

"Hello? y/n? HELLO?!", he calls out for you with tears in his eyes.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now