Chapter 7

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------You guys are back in your apartment and are now in your room trying to process this sudden turn the vehicles of your lives took------

"okay so Jimin has given you a week to think and decide if you wanna go out with him or not?", Ari asks

"mhmm!" you reply while walking around the room nervously.

"okay would ya sit down, you are making me nervous too", Ari says while removing her make up in front of your mirror.

You stop walking and turn to her, "i mean you should be... Jae-wook asked you out!"

"O God i kinda forgot about that", Ari looks at you nervously.

"HOW...THE...FUCK.. DO YOU FORGET THAT?", you ask her in disbelief.

"wait wait wait.. Jimin is gonna send someone to your apartment with the details of where you are gonna meet and stuffs right?", Ari asks you.

"why do you keep repeating the stuffs i have already told you?" you get annoyed.

"Does he even know where you live?" Ari asks.

you pause for a moment, ""

"how uh.. what.. but.. YOU ARE BOTH DUMB", Ari throws a pillow at you.

You catch the pillow, "he must have had something in mind when he said that!"

"like what?" Ari asks giving you a look of disappointment.

"like-", you get interrupted.

Ari groans, "you dont even know if y'all gonna meet again.. you guys didnt even  exchange numbers, how is this even gonna work?"

"well i guess-", you get interrupted again.

"But then again he must have people who could look into your info and find out where you live "

"yeah i was getting to that-", you are again interrupted by Ari.

"This is so freaking cool!!!!!" Ari shakes you with excitement.

You pin her down on the bed and start tickling her, "I dont remember what i was gonna say cause of your interruptions!!"

Ari laughs hysterically and finally pushes you away.

"so are you not gonna call him?", you ask Ari.

"what? tonight? Dont you think thats a little too desperate?" Ari scoffs.

"you better call him first thing in the morning tomorrow" you say that while pushing Ari out of your room.

"But I am not sleepy!!" Ari groans.

"But I am!!" you close the door.


"Y/n, you are so Beautiful", Jimin leans to you and looks deep into your eyes.

You didnt reply to his compliment, you are just so mesmerised by his eyes, his lips, him. He is ethereal. 

You both are so close you can feel his warm breath on your skin. He pins you to the wall and grabs your hand and places it on his chest. "Can you feel what you are doing to my weak heart?" he whispers into your ears. You can feel his warm breath on your ears to your neck, its ticklish and its making you weak at the knees. You are breathing so heavily and it feels like your heart is running a marathon. O how do you tell him what he is doing to your heart. He looks at your lips while biting his and grabs your hips and pulls them towards him making your bodies get pressed against each other leaving no space in between. "What are you doing to me?" Jimin asks while his gaze is still fixed on your lips.

"Oh what are you doing to me?" you think to yourself.

You are pinned to the wall with his body pressed against yours and you are both yearning for a kiss and yet not doing it.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now