Chapter 17

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--You and Ari are having breakfast--

"I am afraid our door isnt strong enough to handle Eunwoo storming out every once in a while and he slams the door so hard!", Ari complains.

"Then stop fighting in our apartment", you roll your eyes.

"We didnt fight!", she protests.

"Then why did he storm out?", you ask her.

"I dont really know, I went into my room to call Jaewook on seeing I had like 20 missed calls from him", she explains.

"20 MISSED CALLS?!", you exclaim.

"God! He was that worried?", you ask her with a smirk.

"I guess", Ari gives an awkward smile.

"hey, whats wrong?", you ask her with a concerned look.

"I dont know, it was all exciting at first but I dont feel the spark you know? the tension, the rush of feelings, like with you and Jimin SPEAKING OF WHICH, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!", Ari asks.

"About you and Jaewook, its probably cause you guys have been talking on the phone only.. maybe try going on dates as well.. Jimin and I meet face to face, we dont talk on the phone maybe thats the difference. Now about last night, ahemmm.... we kissed", you tell her blushing.

"Y'ALL KISSED?! OKAY TELL ME EVERYTHING IN DETAIL!", Ari tells you in an excited tone.

"Did you even listen to the Jaewook part?", you ask her.

"Yeah I will go on dates and update you on that later.. TELL ME ABOUT THE KISS!", Ari demands.

You chuckle at her excitement.

"So he told me that the guys called him out on him spacing out  and smiling randomly and he said it was cause of someone he met recently, and I thought he was talking about me so I got all shy and he saw that and he told me not to flatter myself", you explain.

Ari breaks out in laughter, "He was talking about someone else?"

You give her a poker face, "LISTEN!, so I got annoyed and I got up and this boy grabs my wrist and pulls me so hard that I fall on his lap... and he wraps his arms around me-", you get interrupted.

"So thats what we saw?", Ari connects the dots.

"We?! Dont tell me the boys saw that?!", you start blushing.

"Of course we did and Jin was the one to show us in the first place.. You have no idea.. the chaos I caused that night, I also found something serious that night but I guess its better if he tells you himself. And its not been that long since your first meeting so hopefully you both will realise it yourself", Ari tells you with a serious look.

"uhm, okay?", you try to comprehend what she just explained.

"okay!! now about the kiss!", Ari exclaims.

"Yeah so I was sitting on his lap, he was looking into my eyes, we were under a starry sky and it was all so perfect.. Ahhh I just couldnt control it!", you tell her.

"You initiated?," Ari asks with excitement.

"Not really, he gave a soft peck on my lips and I just melted, more like he made me crave for more with just that one peck" you look at Ari with an adorable smile "It was magical! and you know how people talk about them having butterflies in their stomach? I felt it! I freaking felt it! He looked so ethereal, I kissed him.. I had to, the kiss was slow at first but got passionate as he laid me on the grass and got on top of me... Ahh I wanna relive the moments from last night I really do!! When the kiss started leading to more things he stopped and rested his head on my chest while hugging me tight", you tell her.

"Why would you guys stop!!!!", Ari groans.

"Because we were out? He is Park Jimin? We were making out? He could get into trouble?", you tell her sarcastically.

"Did you guys kiss goodnight when he dropped you?", Ari asks with a smirk.

"I didnt even wish him goodnight let alone kiss, I also booked myself a cab", you mumble.

"what?! why? The fuck is wrong with you?!", Ari gives you a disappointed look.

"Well you know how toxic our fandom can be, you also know how he used to get serious death threats. I want to be the one protecting him not the one getting him into danger", you tell her with tears in your eyes.

Ari hugs you, "Listen, this is exactly the kind of thing you didnt want them worrying about when they actually fall in love, remember how we used to talk about protecting them and their partners against the toxic fans?"

"Yeah but I never knew I would be the partner", you tell her.

"You said it yourself, last night was magical dont ruin your chances of having more of those moments just because you think some jealous bitches will harm him. You still can be the one protecting him, he will be on your side no matter what, you be on his side no matter what, you guys will get through this. Your love story is going to be something literally out a fairy tale so dont end it, you write your own chapters and erase characters you dont like, give it the happy ending you deserve.. And since we are a part of the fandom we know how to deal with them toxic bitches, the toxicity is just a small side of the fandom us as a whole have always protected the boys. So you stop worrying about that and think of ways to make up for last night", she reassures you.

"Damn look at you making up crap for me", you wipe your tears.

"You are right! I am not gonna let anyone ruin it for me! Also make up for what?", you ask her.

"Freaking dumbass!", Ari hits your head.

"You left without wishing him a goodnight and you didnt let him drop you. Now he is gonna get all worried thinking he made you feel uncomfortable", she explains.

"ok so what do I do?? I dont even have his number..", you start worrying.

--You receive a notification--

"AN E MAIL FROM HYBE?!", you exclaim.

"YOU ARE BECOMING A K POP IDOL?!", Ari exclaims.


Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now