Chapter 29

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You bang on the door, "I AM HERE! OPEN UP"

Ari quickly opens the door, "Why did you come so early? why didnt you wait till next year?", she asks sarcastically.

"You had sex with Jaewook?!", you ask her out of curiosity.

"No shuushhh", she pulls you in.

"No we cant talk in here", she gets out pulling you out with her.

"No wait not here", she gets in pulling you in with her.

"We will talk in here but not so loudly.. I just had a heavy dinner so if you move me around too much I will puke on you", you tell her closing the main door.

"You had dinner without me?", she asks you.

"No... Jimin had this surprise dinner planned", you reply.

"Woah really? thats so sweet", she tells you.

"Oh by the way, we are official now", you tell her with a sweet smile.

"Awn I am so happy for you", she hugs you tight.

"Okay now tell me how you ended up having sex with Jaewook", you ask her.

"For the millionth time, we did not have.... that", she replies.

"He climbed up my window cause apparently a fan recognised him when he was walking into the building-", she gets interrupted.

"But we live on the third floor?", you ask her.

"I know... I have no idea how he managed to do that.. I just hope no one saw him climbing up", she replies.

"He was drunk like really drunk.. and told me I was all he thought about during his shoot or so I thought before he called me by some other girl's name", she explains.

"what?? I am so sorry and you let him stay here?", you ask her in disbelief.

"Well I am supposed to be bothered by that but I am not... I dont know, I am kind of relieved", she tells you.

"So its finally time for me to stop playing detective and ask you directly", you tell her.

"Ask me what?", she asks.

"What happened the day Eunwoo left for New York", you relply.

"I met Eunwoo?", she replies with a tone of nervousness.

"No you met his Dad, now explain why", you demand.

Ari looks down.

"Look, we are best friends.. We tell eachother everything.. Tell me so I can help you", you assure her.

"You know how strict his Dad is.... The reason why he was sent to New York was me and I found that out at the Airport. I didnt attend our last Karaoke night because I didnt want to accept the fact that he was not going to be a part of our lives anymore, I have liked him since day one but I didnt know he felt the same but that day I had to confess.. I thought if I didnt confess then, I will regret for the rest of my life and hence I rushed to the Airport and...."


"Hey I will wait outside, just call me when you are done", Dennis tells Ari.

She quickly gets out the car only to find Eunwoo's father standing there.

"Hello Uncle, did he get in already? I just wanted to say Goodbye", she tells him looking around for Eunwoo.

"No he went to take a print of his E ticket just to be on the safe side", he tells her.

"Oh okay", she sighs in relief.

"But I dont think you should wait here", he tells you.

"I am just here to see him for the last time...", she replies thinking hard about why he would say that.

"Look I know you both were close, but he has better things to focus on.. He has no time for girlfriends", he tells you.

"But... I am not his girlfriend", she makes it clear.

"I dont know what you are and what you are not but I want you nowhere near my son. Anything that distracts him, I am removing it from his life even if its the girl he says he likes the most. If it werent for you, he would be continuing his studies here but I dont want him to waste his time on a girl. Besides I am well aware of girls like you..", she stops him mid sentence not being able to hear the hurtful words.

"I will not waste his time, I am sorry", she runs towards Dennis' car.


"He said all of that and you never told me?? Eunwoo to this day thinks you didnt care enough to see him one last time", you tell her.

Ari starts tearing up.

You hug her, "I am sorry you had to go through that and carried all that on your back to this day"

"I tried getting over him and I thought I was succeeding at that until that day when he broke down in front of the elevator", she tells you while sobbing softly.

"I had a feeling you saw that", you say so while wiping her tears.

"It hurt me to watch him cry like that but I thought its too late, I am already with someone and I couldnt do that to Jaewook", she tells you.

"Well you need to talk to Jaewook as soon as he wakes up and clear it out.. Confess to Eunwoo, you guys are made for each other and you are both idiots", you tell her patting her head.

"I will talk to Jaewook, but do I really need to confess to Eunwoo?", she asks.

"I swear to God if you dont, its about time you both tell each other that you are crazy in love", you persuade her.

"You can sleep in my room tonight", you tell her.


Jaewook opens his eyes groaning.

"Wakey wakey, Hana", Ari mocks him.

"Hana?", He gets up quickly.

"Long story short, you came here drunk and called me by some other girl's name and I assume you are still in love with her. And dont apologise, its all good. I really needed that to realise I was never over the guy I thought I was over with but you owe me an explanation as to why you would approach me if you were in love with someone else", she tells him calmly.

"You are freakishly calm", he replies softly groaning from the headache.

"Here, have some lime juice. Its for your headache", she tells him handing him the glass of lime juice.

He drinks some and places it on the lamp table near him.

"I was desparate, I wanted to forget her. I did like you though just not enough to erase her from my life, I drank a lot last night trying to stop thinking about her but the alcohol made me think about her even more. I am sorry I shouldnt have pursued someone knowing I wasnt over my ex", he explains apologetically.

"Thats okay.. You should tell her you miss her and dont pursue anymore girls while you are still in love with her... I have donated on your behalf whatever I bought from your credit card and I would also like to have my car back", she tells him.

"Thank you for making a donation on my name but you are not getting your old car back cause I have no idea who my assistant sold that to, keep this car. If you keep it, I will consider it that you have forgiven me", he tells you.

"Alright then", she agrees.

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