Chapter 8

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You wake up puffing and sweating a lot. You are heated from the dream you just saw or was it a dream? it felt so real. You felt his grip on your hips. His warm breath on your skin. It was so real. 

"What in the K-Drama was that?", you wonder while getting up from the bed.

You look at your reflection in the mirror. So heated up that your cheeks have gone red. "I wanna kiss him"

"Get a grip Y/n! it was just a dream", you try to distract yourself.

"Ari!!!! Can you make me some pancakes?", you shout to Ari while getting into the bathroom to brush.

"He didnt even get my number.. We are probably not even gonna meet again.. Its okay! Pretend nothing ever happened."

You wash up and get out of your room, "help me pick out an outfit. Today is the last day before spring break. We can go have some drinks after classes"

You sit on the counter in the Kitchen and groan still trying to wake yourself from the dream

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You sit on the counter in the Kitchen and groan still trying to wake yourself from the dream.

"Gosh! Is this girl still sleeping?" you look around the kitchen.

You plunge yourself into her room and take a quick scan.

You plunge yourself into her room and take a quick scan

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"You in the bathroom?" you shout.

On getting no response you quickly go into your room and search for your phone. You find a note near the lamp next to your phone. 

"I wanted to wake you up but you were all sweating and heated up. Assuming you dont have important lectures on the last day before spring break I thought I would let you rest. I have made you pancakes and cut you some fruits. See ya when I get back."

You quickly take your phone to call Ari after reading the note and notice the time. "8:50 AM?!" 


You quickly pack your things for class and fix up your hair. "I really aint got the time to change from my PJS"

You book a cab on seeing Ari took the car to the University.


You run to your class so fast that it feels like you could have competed against Usain Bolt. You reach just on time for the lecture. You sit on your seat panting and sweating. You notice your classmates staring at you weirdly. "Cut it out, I know i look a mess just cut it out!" you tell them in the most annoyed tone.


You call Ari.

"where are you?" You ask her just when someone pats your shoulder from behind.

"Right behind you", Ari responds.

"You werent feeling well, why are you here?" Ari asks with a concerned look.

"I am well, it was just uh.. a bad dream?", you tell her with a nervous look on your face.

"Why are you in your PJs? did you even brush?", Ari asks mockingly.

"yes i brushed! you didnt wake me up!! I had an important lecture to attend and i didnt have enough time to change", you tell her.

"okay we have a 45 minute break. Lets go back home, eat something,  you change into better clothes and we can come back to attend the rest of our classes."

"Sounds good. I am starving. I couldnt even eat the pancakes you made", you complain.


You guys go out to the parking area and search for your car.

"I parked it right here though", Ari says with a confused look.

"Then where did it go?", you start looking around the area.

"Did someone steal our car?", Ari asks.

"A 2010 Nissan leaf? and that too second handed. How broke is the thief?", you scoff.

"How broke are we?", Ari looks at you.

"What do we do? we cant afford another car", you ask Ari looking tensed.

"Lets file a complaint to the cops", Ari suggests.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now