Chapter 36

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--After two weeks--

Dennis serves breakfast.

"Like do you plan on living with us forever?", Ari asks him.

"for the hundredth time, I aint leaving until my sister comes back from her honeymoon", Dennis replies.

You groan while trying to eat.

"We need to get you examined, you have been sick for a week", Ari says while checking your temperature with a thermometer.

"There is no fever", Dennis says so, looking at the temperature.

"She gets nausea 24/7 and is super weak due to not eating that well", Ari tells Dennis.

"Wait.... Y/n? you have a boyfriend right?", he asks you.

"Yes and I am not interested in you anymore.. I mean I had this huge crush on you before but now I am in loooooove", you tell him while still groaning softly out of weakness.

"Thats not what I was getting to... I uh...", he looks down with embarrassment.

Ari quickly looks at Dennis getting a hint of what he might be thinking about.

"Do you think thats what is going on?", she asks him.

"I guess? no harm in getting tested?", he replies doubtfully.

You hear them talking but your head hurts to even think.

"Y/n, did you get your period this month?", Ari asks you.

"Yeah I got it two weeks ago and not gonna get it for another two weeks", you reply.

You suddenly get up from the chair when it clicks that you might know what they are suggesting.

"You dont think I am.....?", you look at them doubtfully.

"We are not saying you are, we are saying you might be?", she replies.

You start walking side to side out of nervousness, "But I am too young and his career..... I.... My mom is gonna kill me!"

"Well you dont know for sure, it could be food poisoning", Dennis shrugs.

"Wait....", Ari sits you down on a chair and gives you a glass of water.

"Think carefully.... If you are.. will you keep it?", she asks.

"I dont know... I will have a baby? a tiny human being will be coming out of me and will be calling me mommy, a cute little baby with tiny toes and tiny hands, a mini version of me..", you smile thinking of a possible future.

"Yes a mini version of you who will love you more than anything and who you will love more than anything in this world and most importantly, the baby will be the symbol of your love for him, who I still do not know the name of by the way", Dennis tells you.

"You dont need to know his name", Ari  tells him.

"Yes of course I will keep it... I am not sure as to how he will react or how I am gonna talk to him about this but even if I had to do this alone, I will", you tell her with a firm look.

Eunwoo storms into your apartment after eavesdropping on the whole conversation and kneels down to you.

"First of all, he loves you way too much for him to not accept this and second of all why would you think you will be doing this alone if he didnt? We are all here, we will look after you and your cutie pie, Ari and I will do anything in our power to make sure the baby gets all the love it deserves", he assures you.

"He is right and one of these days, we are gonna lose a door", Ari comments.

"And I will be the uncle from abroad who visits once in a while with a lot of chocolates", Dennis tells you with a sweet smile.

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