Chapter 11

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You slowly gain consciousness. Your head feels so heavy it feels like you have been carrying bricks on your head. Your stomach hurts, you are no longer starving  but it feels like your body gave up on you. Only if you hadnt skipped dinner maybe it would have not gotten so bad.

You open your eyes growling.

"I want tteokbokki..", words come out of your mouth with no control of your own.

"I have some tteokbokki from earlier, bring 'em in", a familiar voice speaks.

You open your eyes properly and recognise the room you are in and get up.

You open your eyes properly and recognise the room you are in and get up

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"How are you feeling", Eunwoo asks looking concerned.

"Eunwoo?! Oh My God! its been so long", you get excited seeing your childhood friend after years of not being in contact.

Eunwoo smiles, "I wanted to ask about your well being but you are clearly not well."

He hugs you super tight, "Y/n I missed you so much."

You hug him back, "How have you been?? My mom talks about you all the time, she misses cooking for us both."

"Awn I miss her food as we-", Eunwoo gets interrupted by a loud crashing and your affectionate hug breaks.

You notice another familiar face standing near the door holding a bowl of tteokbokki.

"I am sorry I slipped and the vase fell", Jimin apologises.

"You slipped and the vase got yeeted across the room?", Eunwoo asks squinting his eyes.

"Ah well you know, us dancers-", Jimin gets interrupted by you.

"JIMIN?!", you exclaim.

"Get ready for her fangirling.. You are her bias and she is crazy about you. You are all she ever talked about in highschool-", you throw a pillow at Eunwoo to make him stop embarrassing you.

"We have already met in person and stitch your damn lips", you tell Eunwoo.

"you have?", Eunwoo looks at Jimin with a surprise look.

Jimin brings you the tteokbokki and sits next to Eunwoo, "Let me clear out the confusion. Y/n and I met once before our concert yesterday and once after the concert in the club and.." Jimin looks at you, "Eunwoo and I have been friends for 3 years now. We hang out at his place often. He did talk a lot about his childhood best friend, I didnt know it would be you."

Eunwoo looks at his watch, "Oh shit guys I gotta go"

He gets up and takes your phone from the table and saves his number, "I have got lots to tell you and you have got lots to tell me, call me up later okay?"

"Wait so you are leaving us here?", you ask him.

"I will be back in a few hours. He will stay till then and I will drop you home after I get back" Eunwoo replies.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now