Chapter 5

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You seem to have mesmerized everyone with your voice. You were so engrossed into the song that you didn't notice the boys staring at you, awed by your vocals.

You slowly keep the mic on the table and bite your lips nervously since no one is speaking to break the silence.

"Wow, uhm that... that was amazing", Namjoon finally speaks.

"Th-thank you" you reply.

Everyone else gets up and starts complimenting your voice altogether that its hard to understand but you do know that they are complimenting atleast.

You smile proudly and thank them all.

"So it's time for us to leave, we have got some work to deal with tomorrow. Thank you for the great time dear Army", Namjoon smiles sweetly.

"Bye Y/n, Jimin will make sure this is not the last time we meet", Suga grins.

"Huh?" You look at Suga with confusion.

The guys leave  waving you goodbye except Jimin.

"Guys I will catch up with you in a few mins I gotta talk to Y/n" Jimin tells them while closing the door behind them.

Jungkook stops hearing Jimin closing the door, "Anyone else worried that he closed the door and they are alone in the Karaoke room?"

"Let's talk about it when we get back home", Jin sighs.

The boys leave the club.
"Hey uh-", Jimin looks at you nervously.

"Uh?", You reply.

"Okay so-" you stop Jimin midway through his sentence.

"This isn't one of those things that would require me to sign a disclosure agreement right?" You ask him

Jimin tries to explain but you don't give him a chance to.

"Because if it is then let me tell you I'm not that kind of a girl.. Indeed I am flattered to a high extent I mean you are Park Jimin after all but still I wouldn't do that.. that's not me"

Jimin walks closer to you and says, "No I'm not trying to do any of that. I genuinely grew my interest in you ever since we first met before the concert. I would like to know more about you if you give me the chance to"

"Oh I uhm- wow, I don't know what to say and I'm also a little embarrassed", you laugh nervously.

Jimin smiles, "hey that's okay, there's nothing to worry about"

You smile at him, "uhm so..?"

"I would like to take you on a date" jimin says while smiling hoping for a yes.

"As much as I would love to, I can't.
You are a member of the most famous boy band group, I am a part of the fandom and I sadly know how toxic some of the fans can get. I do not know if I would be able to handle that  and I- I don't know you are Park Jimin and this feels too good to be true"

His smile fades away, "I understand but you are looking at all the negative sides.. Alright then next week I will send someone to your apartment with the details about where and when we will have the date. If it's a yes, you can come I will be waiting for you if not I will never bother you again."

"The heck is wrong with me?" You think to yourself.

"Will hopefully see you at our date", he hugs you softly and leaves.

"Oh God I gotta talk to Ari
If this is some kind of a dream it's about time I wake up cause damn am I stupid in this dream" you panic.


Ari and Jae-wook seems to have had a very good time together.
They were now at the bar talking and giggling.

"Hey so can we meet again?", Jae-wook asks with a sweet smile on his face.

"Uh like...?" Ari asks.

"...on a date?", Jae-wook looks at Ari excitedly.

"Oh I am not so sure about that", Ari replies nervously.

"Why what's wrong? Did I make you feel uncomfortable?", Jae-wook gets anxious.

"No no it's none of that. You are very sweet and I had a great time tonight" Ari replies.

"Then what's wrong?", Jae-wook gets disappointed.

"It's just um.. I..."

Jae-wook interferes.

"Alright how about this? We hang out and spend more time together and if you change your mind I get to take you on a date?" Jae-wook asks Ari.


"I take that as a yes" Jae-wook hands Ari his number.

"give me a call when you are free", Jae-wook leaves waving Ari bye.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now