Chapter 6

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"Oh God Oh God..."

You rush out of the Karaoke room searching for Ari impatiently and bump into someone on the way

"oh im so-" you pause ....."BITCH YOU WONT BELIEVE WTF JUST HAPPENED" you resume.

A waiter that was passing by with drinks gets startled by your exclamation and drops his tray of drinks.

Ari apologises to the waiter and quickly pulls you to a corner, "calm the fuck down bitch."

"But yeah you wont believe what just happened either", Ari says in an excited tone.

"HE ASKED ME ON A DATE!", you both exclaim.

"WHO?!", you both ask at the same time.

"I CANT SAY IT TOO LOUD BUT I WILL WHISPER IT INTO YOUR EARS", you literally shout the sentence.


You lean to her and whisper "mochi"

"who?" Ari asks in confusion.

"baby mochi", you whisper again.

"Ahh Jimin?".. Realisation hits hard "JIMIN?!"

"shhhhhhhhhhh" you try to keep her calm.

The waiter whose drinks fell earlier was passing by with another tray full of drinks when Ari lost her shit which startled him resulting in him dropping the tray again. "I DO NOT GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS!" he shouts in frustration.

You apologise and quickly pull Ari to another corner where a guy was staring at Ari looking all confused. "what?" Ari asks him

"My name is Jimin, you uh... called... uh shouted my name?"

Ari looks at you "this is the Jimin you were talking about?"

"oh i am sorry we were talking about someone else", you reply to the guy.

"OMGOMGOM-", Ari gets interrupted.

"Girl shush for God's sake. we will get kicked out at this rate. Remember i told you something happened outside the stadium?" you smile while blushing

Ari shakes you,"I am not patient enough for this, what happened outside the damn stadium?"

You tell her in detail about how you and Jimin met, how you noticed him staring at you during the concert and what all happened in the karaoke room. 

You notice Ari biting her bottom lip hard trying not to scream in excitement. "I know its crazy i still feel like this is a dream and i am gonna wake up soon but it happened and i dont know what to do.."

"well first off..." Ari hits your head 

"owww! what was that for?" you ask rubbing your head.

"for turning down Park mother fucking Jimin and second off..." Ari hugs you tight. "I dont know what to say.. I am so excited and so freaking happy for you"

You hug her back and ask her "ok ok now its your turn, tell me who asked you out?!!"

"I dont know whats with us and getting asked out by freaking celebrities" Ari says while grinning hard.


"you have no idea how many drinks i wasted because of some girls being loud for no fucking reason", he tells his coworker while filling his tray again

"we work in a club not in a library, of course they are gonna be loud" his coworker replies to him

"I swear to God if they ruin any more of my orders i am talking to the manager, they are getting banned from the damn club" he says in a frustrated tone.


"Celebrities?" you ask in an excited tone.

Ari nods "mhmm!"

"OMG WHO?!" you exclaim loud.

For the third time startling the same waiter making him spill the drinks all over. "THATS IT I WANT YOU GIRLS OUT NOW! OR I'LL CALL THE SECURITY"

"I AM SO SORRY WAITER-NIM!" you apologise while sprinting out of the club with Ari.

You guys stop at least 20 meters from the club and you start jumping in excitement "WHO WAS IT?!"

"Lee Jae-wook", Ari whispers into your ears.

"Jae-wook? as in the second lead from extraordinary you??!!!" you ask her with excitement.

"YES!!!", Ari Responds.


Ari books a Uber home.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now