Chapter 25

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--You and Ari are in the Greenroom grooming the boys with the rest of the team--

You are watching your superior put make up on Joonie while she is teaching you the Dos and Donts. Jimin who is standing right behind Joonie keeps staring at you making you lose focus.

"I am so gonna make him pay for this morning", you think while smirking at him.

He smirks back thinking, "This girl got my toes curling"

Suga notices you both smirking at each other and walks towards Jimin and whispers into his ears, "You sure theres no need to get the elevator cleaned......... or repaired?"

Jimin blushes hard, "Noona! Yoongi Hyung didnt get his eyes done yet!", he tells one of their makeup artists.

"We are going to sleep under the same roof... I aint giving you peace", Suga tells him with a grin and goes to get his eyes done.

"Hey, so where in Philippines are you from?", Tae asks Ari.

"Manila", she replies with a smile.

"Ah Beautiful!", Tae exclaims.

"ugh annoying", Kookie makes a remark while passing by Tae and Ari.

"Wheres your ring? Wear it only if you are not going to remove it on camera", Jin tells Joonie

"Why dont we just make it official?", Joonie asks Jin.

"Theres no need to, the whole world knows", Jin replies sarcastically.

Joonie hugs Jin and whispers into his ears, "what? that I love you and you are my whole world?"

Jin blushes and pushes him away, "Gosh stop being so cheesy"

"Dont you like it though?", Joonie asks him with a smirk.

--You and Ari, who just saw this whole thing happening before your eyes are not surprised but quite surprised at the same time--

"See? I told you! I freaking knew it!", you exclaim to Ari.

"So much for acting surprised", Ari looks at you annoyed.

"You guys knew?", Joonie asks.

"Who wont if you keep acting suspicious?!", Jin replies.

"The whole fandom knows by the way... I mean we werent sure about Jin being the spouse. And we also collectively decided to act surprised when you guys make it official", Ari tells them.

"OH... MY.... GOD..... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!", you give an extravagant reaction.

"Y/n, its a little too late for that", Ari tells you.

"Y/n?", one of your superiors calls out your name.

"Yes Maam?", you walk to her.

"Complete Jimin's make up just like how I taught you to", she hands you the tools and walks out of the room leaving you and Ari alone with the boys.

"Guys lets go through the chorus one more time", Hobi tells the boys.

"Why dont you boys go out and rehearse, I will be out when my make up is done", Jimin tells them.

"Ari, go with them and do a touch up when they are done rehearsing", you tell her.

"As if we do not know why you are kicking us out", Ari tells you with a grin while going out with the boys.

You take an eyeshadow brush and get very close to him, "Close your eyes"

"Giving me a kiss?", Jimin asks.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now