Chapter 16

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--Ari and Eunwoo are hanging out in your apartment--

Eunwoo shares Ari a meme, "This is hilarious, check it out."

"Check what?", Ari looks at Eunwoo.

"Wheres your phone?", he asks.

"Wait, its in my bag.. Have received no notifications all day", Ari opens her bag.

"Cause you have no friends other than y/n and I?", Eunwoo teases her.

"Oh please, I have other friend circles-", she pauses looking at her phone screen.

"20 MISSED CALLS?! MY PHONE WAS ON MUTE!", she exclaims.

"God! who is so desperate to call you 20 times?", he scoffs.

"A guy I am seeing", she replies getting into her room in a hurry.

"Why is this guy calling her 20 times? like hold your damn horses.", he says to himself with annoyance.

"Why am I even here?", he storms out of the apartment.

"Oh God, its too disrespectful to call back at this point and why did he call me 20 times?!", Ari wonders.

She hesitatingly calls back but Jaewook doesnt pick up. "He must be mad at me, must be? He IS mad at me and why wouldnt he be?", she wonders.

She sends him a text, "I am so sorry I couldnt pick up, I was out with my friends and my phone was on mute.. I am really sorry, give me a chance to make it up to you."









"Literally spammed him, he better reply at this point", she sighs throwing her phone onto the bed.

"I am literally seeing a celebrity, he let me use his credit card just because I wanted to make him regret spending money on me and that bish didnt even regret and continued spending on me happily, called me 20 times cause he didnt hear from me the whole day... Why do I not feel the same excitement as y/n? She becomes a tomato each time we talk about Jimin. Jaewook is literally my celebrity crush. Aghhhh whats wrong with me?!", she rolls on her bed out of frustration.


"Y/n?", Jimin calls out your name.

"yes?", you answer.

"This is so cozy, can you be the one to hold me like this and run your hands through my hair forever?", he asks while still having his head rest on your chest.

Jimin's question suddenly brings you into your senses and you push him not so harshly and get out of his arms.

 "Whats wrong?", Jimin asks you.

"Theres no one around but you might never know, we should go back home.. You will get into trouble if someone saw us", you tell him getting up.

Jimin gets up and thinks to himself, "Does she not feel the same way as I do?"

"Did I make you uncomfortable?", he asks.

"No its nothing like that", you reply to him.

"I dont want her thinking our kiss was a mistake"

"I dont want him thinking our kiss was a mistake"

You both get the same thought.

"I myself have no idea why I dodged his question", you think to yourself.

--Jimin calls his driver to pick you guys up--

"I am gonna book a cab.. uh... we dont want the public seeing me get off of Park Jimin's car", you smile nervously.

"Do you care about the public so much?", Jimin thinks.

--Your cab arrives and you leave without even wishing him a goodnight--

"Did I make a move too soon?", Jimin thinks to himself.


-- You get home and check on Ari who is sound asleep in a weird position still wearing the same clothes she wore out with you guys--

--You get into your room--

You let out a deep sigh and sit on your bed, "He must have felt so bad cause of the way I ended the night" you think to yourself

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You let out a deep sigh and sit on your bed, "He must have felt so bad cause of the way I ended the night" you think to yourself. Its like your heart knows its more than a celebrity crush, your heart knows this is what you want, your heart knows that this is not how you wanted to end the night, your heart knows the kiss, the hug, his fragrance, him resting his head on you were everything you could ever ask for. O if you could freeze the moment and enjoy for as long as you want, you could have. O if you had the book of destiny, you would be the one to write your love story with him. But your mind, its at constant war with your heart. The more your heart craves the graver your mind's excuses become. It keeps on bringing thoughts like, "what if this doesnt work out?  what if you never get a happy ending? what if the toxic fans find out and you become the reason as to why his successful career comes to an end? what if everything he has worked so hard to achieve, all sinks in vain because of you? If his career wasnt in the question you would have risked it all. Do you want to vain what could have been or just believe in fate and go for it? You know you will regret if you dont but will you decide against your reasonable mind?

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now