Chapter 34

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Ari and Eunwoo are snuggling unclothed under the warm blanket, "Hey?", Ari calls Eunwoo.

"Yeah?", Eunwoo replies.

"I am.... I- Uh.... uh", Ari mutters.

"You what?", Eunwoo asks.

"I am weak at my knees", she tells him and quickly buries herself under the blanket.

He pulls her back up and gets on top of her, "Wanna completely lose the capability to walk for a week?", he asks while smirking.

"Are you trying to bang me or break my bones with an iron bat?", she asks.

He chuckles and rests his head on her chest, "I love you", he tells her.

"I love you more", she replies.

"Not possible", he tells her.

"Hey, I didnt see Dennis at the wedding", he pops his head up expecting to get an explanation.

She forces his head back on her chest, "stay like that, will ya?"

"Dennis couldnt make it, he had meetings the whole week and had a flight this morning which got delayed at least 6 times, he will probably make it tomorrow", she explains.

"Oh okay", he mumbles being buried in her breasts.

"I cant breathe at all but I dont want to move my head", he mumbles.

She giggles while playing with his hair.



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Kookie hugs Tae, "I am scared, Hyung."

"Scared of what?", Tae asks hugging him back.

"Scared of losing my Hyungs", he replies.

Tae breaks the hug and looks at him with concerned eyes, "What do you mean?"

"I am scared that if all of you get girlfriends and later on get married, we wont stay the same.. I grew up with you, you all literally raised me and.." Kookie tears up.

"Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung are married and nothing changed among us", Tae tries to explain.

"But they live with us so nothing changes, you guys will wanna move out. I have been a little down ever since Jimin Hyung got a girlfriend too but I didnt wanna say anything cause I want to be happy if he is happy and I am! but I am just scared that we will lose each other. I dont want to lose my Hyungs. You are the closest to me and I just cant endure losing you", Kookie explains.

"Kooks, you are never going to lose us. We have always sticked together no matter what and we will keep doing that. Friendship like ours will last forever, even after we go on with our lives separately, you will be our Kooks no matter what even if we get ten kids each, you will always be our first son", Tae tells him patting his head.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now