Chapter 14

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---Its been two days since you guys last met---

Jimin, under the cold shower is thinking about ways to spend more time with you. He is not sure about you saying yes to the date which is in three days and hence wants to spend more time with you. He doesnt understand as to why he is feeling so drawn to someone he met only a few days ago. Your smile, your eyes, the way you blush, everything about you keeps running on his mind. He cant stop thinking about you. He just wanted to get to know you and if things went well then maybe date as well. What he didnt sign up for was not being able to think about anything but you. You have been on his mind ever since your first encounter. Your adorable smile makes him chuckle at random times. He feels stupid chuckling randomly picturing your smile but at the same time he doesnt care. "Is this what they call love at first sight?", he wonders. "But time doesnt stop when I am with her instead it flies, I dont hear music playing in the background instead I hear my heart beating faster than Usain Bolt, everything around me doesnt feel merry well I dont even notice whats around me when I am with her, Its nothing like what they described in movies, how would I ever know if i am in love?"

He stops the shower hearing someone banging on his bathroom door.

"JIMINSHI!!!!!", Kookie yells.


"Yeah but we have got something important to discuss so come out to the living room real quick", Kookie leaves the room.

"The bedroom door was locked, how did he even get in?", he wonders.



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Jimin walks into the living room to find the boys discussing something important.

They stop the ongoing conversation seeing Jimin enter. 

"I have booked an appointment with the best psychiatrist in Seoul, dont worry you will be fine before our next world tour", Tae tells Jimin.

"But-", Jimin gets interrupted.

"We have already spoken about your symptoms to the doctor", Hobi adds.

"What symptoms?", Jimin asks in confusion.

"Dont worry.. I am gonna stop calling you Jiminshi and start calling you Hyung.. Just get well very soon", Kookie hugs Jimin bawling his eyes out.

"I dont think its a deep issue, maybe you just need a change in environment", Joonie tells Jimin.

"What the hell are you guys-", Jimin gets interrupted again.

"Take a mini vaca maybe? or just sleep.... Sleep fixes everything", Suga tells Jimin.

"Yeah for you but not for everybody", Hobi gets annoyed by Suga.

Kookie starts crying even louder saying "I even heard him talking to himself in the shower."

Jimin pushes Kookie away who was still hugging him tight crying out loud.

Jimin gets on top of one of the couches and yells, "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!"

"We are talking about you spacing out during our important meetings, chuckling at random moments, smiling at blank spaces-", Joonie gets interrupted.

"Y'all got an higher IQ than I do and for what?", Jin says while pulling down Jimin from the couch.

"The idiot is in love", Jin looks at Jimin smiling.

Jimin starts to blush and everyone notices.

Kookie wipes his tears off, "Since I never really signed an agreement to not call him Jiminshi, whatever I said doesnt count."

Hobi hugs Jimin, "I am so happy for you!!"

Jimin hugs Hobi back, "no but I am not sure yet."

"Is it the girl with the adorable smile, the girl you couldnt take your eyes off of during our concert, the girl..", Suga pauses grinning.

"... from the karaoke?", Hobi resumes.

"She seemed genuine.. hope this is not just a fling", Joonie tells Jimin with a concerned look.

"If this was just a fling he would have gotten over it that night after concert.. this seems genuine", Tae tells Joonie.

"I dont know what it exactly is but I do know for sure that its not just a fling", Jimin tells everyone.

"Love is in the air", Hobi says smiling.

"Have you met her Bestfriend? the girl from the philippines?", Tae asks Jimin.

"Why are you so interested in her bestfriend?", Kookie looks at Tae with annoyance.

"Why is that bothering you?", Tae asks Kookie in the same tone.

"I dont know.. get yourself a korean, why are you interested in filipinas?", Kookie asks Tae.

Tae leaves the living room without replying to Kookie.

"Hey why dont you hire her?", Joonie gives a suggestion to Jimin.

"As a hooker? the heck is wrong with you?", Jin gets mad at Joonie.

"NO! As our make up artist. She can join the team.. Even if she doesnt have the skills the team can train her on our recommendation. The universities are on their spring break. She can do it part time, she will earn some money and Jimin will get to spend time with her and maybe Tae can see this girl from the Philippines he is so interested in", Joonie explains.

"Oh thats actually a great idea!", Jin agrees.

"Why is everyone interested in this girl from the Philippines?!", Kookie storms out.

"Lemme see what I can do to hire her", Jimin leaves the living room.

"I saw another video of you hiding our wedding ring", Jin tells Joonie.

"How are they even noticing?", Joonie asks.

"BECAUSE YOU DO IT IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA?!", Jin says in disbelief.

"Maybe if you just let the ring be and not act suspicious with it they wouldnt have noticed at all"

"But no! You gotta transfer it into another finger and that too in front of the camera", Jin storms out of the living room.

"But whats the big deal? what if they find out? they should know I am crazy in love with the world wide handsome", Joonie thinks to himself with the cute dimpled smile on his face.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now