Chapter 4

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On your way home you guys pass by "Club and Karaoke" and decide to celebrate your first ever BTS concert.

"Bish let's get drunk?" You look at Ari.

"You can't even handle alcohol" Ari mocks you

"Doesn't matter!! WE ATTENDED A BTS CONCERT!"

Ari shakes her head, "You are not gonna stop saying that are ya?"

You nod, "nope"

"Aight let's-", Ari is stopped midway when she hears your phone ring.

"You go.. I will join you after this call" you tell her.


Ari gets in and while she is walking towards the open bar she sees a familiar face

Ari gets in and while she is walking towards the open bar she sees a familiar face

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Lee Jae-wook?!", She wonders.
"Should I approach him?
No no I shouldn't just invade someone's privacy like that
But he is in a club.. there shouldn't be any problem with getting approached by a girl in the club?! No I think I should play hard to get.
Yeah right play hard to get... He is a freaking celebrity"

He notices Ari troubled with thoughts, nervously biting her lips and wonders, "This girl looks like she is preparing for an important interview"

Ari notices him looking at her.
"OMG play hard to get.. Attitude mode on" says to herself.

Ari walks to the bar and sits next to him and smiles nervously
"Good playing hard to get Ari" she thinks.

"Loosen up, you are in a club", says Jae-wook with an adorable smile.

Ari gets captivated by his adorable smile and says, "I am loose- uhm I mean-"

Jae-wook giggles and just then a romantic song plays
He gets up from his seat and asks Ari, "would you like to dance with me?"

"Would love to", Ari replies.

He slowly pulls her close to him by grabbing her waist softly from his left hand while having his eyes locked on hers and leads the dance holding her left hand with his right

"Holy cow", Ari thinks while looking into his eyes.

"Wow you have beautiful eyes" he tells her.

"Thank you" she replies.

"He said I have beautiful eyes", she thinks to herself.


"Dude for the hundredth time, I do not sell second hand vehicles! You have the wrong number", you get irritated and hang up.

"Why is he even looking for a second hand vehicle at this hour of the night?", You shake your head.

You get in and the first thing that catches your eye is Ari and some guy dancing.

"Woah look who this chica trapped", you say and hear someone giggle from behind you.
You turn around and who is this?
That's right! Park mother fucking Jimin.

"Hey", he smiles.

"Oh so this is the girl you couldn't get your eyes off of during our performance", Yoongi says while leaning to the door of the karaoke room.

"Suga?", You exclaim.

"You can join us", Namjoon says while moving his hands in a way of showing you the way in.

"OMGOMGOMGOMG", you are internally screaming.

"I guess you don't wanna", says Jimin looking disappointed.

"No I do!", You protest.

"What are you guys doing there?!", Jin yells from inside the karaoke room.

You get in with the guys and Namjoon introduces you to the group.
"So remember the girl Jimin said he met before the concert?, This is her."

"Also, this is the part where you tell us your name" Yoongi tells you.

"Oh uhm my name is Y/n Wang"

"You are not korean?", Asks Jungkook.

"No I am Thai", you reply to him with a smile.

"Woah that's cool", Hobi says with his sunshine smile.

"So you are here to just attend our concert?", asks Jimin.

"No I study here with my bestfriend", you reply with a wider smile.

Yoongi whispers to Jimin, "it's the smile isn't it?"

Jimin blushes with a cute smile on his face.

"So you and your bestfriend moved from Thailand to Korea to study in uni?", Asks Tae.

"We actually moved from the Philippines. My family moved to the Philippines when I was 3 and I grew up there. She and I graduated from the same highschool"

"Ohh your bestie is a filipina?", Tae says raising his eyebrows.

"You are interested?", Kookie looks at him annoyed.

"Wahh you guys are like from all around the world" Jin says with excitement.

"No not really, she is from Thailand her best friend is from the Philippines and both countries in Asia so technically-" Joonie is paused by Jin giving him an annoyed look.

"So you have decided to sleep on the couch tonight?" Jin raises his eyebrows.

Joonie  clears his throat and tries to change the subject, "I am so sorry Y/n, we have been asking you questions ever since you got here"

"No no ask questions all night and I will happily answer them", you smile at them.

"Is there anything you would like to know about us-"
"which is not on the internet" Suga continues Tae's question.

"I do know that I have lots to ask and know but I can't seem to think of anything right now", you give an awkward smile.

"That's fine Y/n, let's have a fun karaoke night."

"Which song do we start off with?" Jin asks the boys while going through the song list.

While the rest of the boys are busy choosing a song you notice Jimin staring at you and you just can't stop thinking about what Suga had said earlier. "The girl he couldn't take his eyes off of?" You think.

"Hey Y/n, would you like to sing something for us?" Kookie asks you with a sweet tone.

"Me? Sing? Infront of the vocal Kings?" You reply.

The boys giggle heartily and Hobi hands you the mic, "Come on"

"I don't know most of the songs in that list", you tell them while you nervously grab the mic.

"Sing us your favourite song", Tae says with his boxy smile.

"Hey I passed your vibe check!", You tell him.

"His what?" Suga asks looking confused.

"Uhm nothing"
"My favourite song is Promise by Jimin", you tell the boys while looking at Jimin.

"Ofcourse it is", Suga grins.

"Alright boys settle in" says Joonie.

You take a deep breath and close your eyes and hold the mic close to your lips getting ready to sing.

Park Jimin and me?! (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now