(Chapter 36)

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you're most likely wondering what I did after my whole wedding and hospital thing well, I made Niall admit that he still loves Mia, but I have learned that its not love its just someone who has been trapped by that person and cant let go so easily. Niall hasn't called me but when Pipers with my mum he calls all the time, I mean when Piper is not home, I crawl into a ball in our bed and cry so much tears that I can't even blieve that i could cry so much. The pain in my heart has over come and im trying so hard to make the pain go away but it wont, so I cry or invite Harry over. Harry has been a very good friend to me lately and im very thankful, He plays with Piper all the time but most of all he treats me like I'm his and I'm thinking that me and Harry could be a thing....But i'm not sure yet.

I turn on the movie, The fault in our stars because its a really good movie to be honest. Piper is with my mum so I'm gonna grab alot of blankets and grab some ice cream, then watch my movie alone in the dark with no one around to watch me cry. As I get comfortable on the couch, I hear the door slowly open and I look to see Harry, bleeding.

"Harry oh my gosh." I jump off the couch and run to Harry.

"Delilah I'm so sorry." He says as Mia walks in with two other guys.

"Why hello Delilah." Mia smiles at me and I Hurry and run to grab my phone and run to the bathroom. Once I got the bathroom i locked the door and dialed 911, they say they will make sure someone gets here fast. I hear Harry screaming and telling me to Stay safe.

"Delilah don't worry sweetheart we will get in there soon." She laughs and someone bangs hard on the door. I watch the door knob move, then a click. I start to cry, Mia comes in and grabs me by my hair and beats me to death. Soon the cops arrive, but sadly Mia and the other guys got away before they could catch them. I crawl my way to Harry while he cries in pain.

"Harry w-what happend." I cry as I move closer.

"Niall told Mia about the things that you have said about her and Niall wouldnt tell her your address so she made those guys beat me till they got it out of me. So I tried my hardest to beat them here before they got to you. God Delilah I'm so sorry, You dont deserve any of this mess in your life." He cries and grabs my hand.

"Harry It's okay I promise, I will fix this." I cry and the cop walks back inside with the meds and they take Harry to the hosptal. I wasn't that bad looking as Harry he could have a broken rib or something. I grabbed my car keys and drive to Niall's house but he wasn't there so I drive to my mum's and boom He was there, I left the car running and I left the door open. I run inside and I see him sitting on the couch and I run and slap the crap out of him and I just kept hitting him because all the pain he caused me just ruined my whole life. He grabs my wrist and I start crying even harder. He pulls me close to him and we slowly fall to the floor. I open my eyes to see Piper crying in my mum's arms. I try to push Niall away but he doesnt budge.

"I hate you." I cry and cry.

"Shhh Delilah." Niall whispers in my hair.

"H-how could you." I say and start to hit him again and John comes and picks me up and takes me to my mum's room. I cried so much. Niall walks in and looks at me and I just Glare at him.

"How fucking dare you do that to me!" I yell at him and walk closer to him.

"What are you even fucking talking about!" Niall yells back at me, but really close to my face.

"You told Mia what I said about her and then she just came to my fucking house and beat me and Harry to death!" I yell back and slap him in the face. His face gets red and he starts crying.

"Delilah I didn't mean to okay, I didn't I love you with all my heart." He fake cries.

"You fake son of a bitch and you better hope that you get to see your daughter again because after all this you won't be seeing her for a while!" I yell but then I try to lower my voice. I look him dead in the eyes as he starts to laugh. As I walk out the door I feel Niall grab my hair and push me to the ground.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" I scream and John comes running in and he starts beating the crap out of Niall.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again!" He yells as I cry and I get up and run to find Piper...

"Mia put my daughter down now." I say and she smiles at me.

"Mia I said put my fucking daughter down!!" I scream.

"Why should I, She actually kinda cute." Mia says as she plays with Piper's hair and Piper keeps crying.

"I want my mommi." She cries and cries.

"Fine then." Mia drops Piper and Run to grab her before she hits the ground and I pull her close to me and sing to her.

"Get out of my damn house." My mum comes out of the garage with a gun.

"Okay I'm sorry ma'am." Mia walks out and I rock Piper and rub her back. My mum comes and sits with us and she rubs my back and I cry.

"Come on baby let's go see Harry." My mum helps me up and We gather some stuff and head to the hospital. Once We got to Harry's room, I asked them if I could have a minute to talk to him.

"Harry?" I knock on the door.

"Hello Beautiful." He smiles and I close the door and sit in the chair next to his bed.

"Harry I'm so sorry." I cry and I put my head in my hands. Harry's hands grabbed mine and he pulls me closer to him and I lay next to him with my head on his chest. He plays with my hair as I cry.

"Delilah, You wanna know what I thought about you when I first met you?" Harry says and I look up and nod.

"Yes what did you think of me?" I say as I stare at him.

"I realised that one day I wanna marry someone just like you, Because no matter the pain you been through or the mistakes that you have made you always push through with a smile. Delilah you're smile just drives me insane, I wanna wake up to you're face one day and you're voice is music to my ears and always will be. The way you treat Piper is the way I want my wife to treat our kids. Delilah the wish of being perfect it came true a long time ago it just takes the right person to see it. I love you more than anything on this planet you're so sweet to me and so amazing I just want to marry you right now and No matter the pain we have gone through today. Today was the best day of my life and always will be. Delilah I love you and I just want you to understand what I'm saying." He says and looks down at me, My eyes are huge as I smile at him.

"I love you too Harry, But I have one question." I say and he smiles.

"What's that?" He smiles wider.

"Forever and Always?" I smile and He leans in to kiss me.

Yes you can call me crazy for being in love with the Harry Edward Styles but I mean the guy has been by my side through so much but never has left. I love him.

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