Chapter 26

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Taeyang P.O.V

When I woke, in the living room, we were all in a pile.  I felt something on my back. "What's on my back." I said. Then whatever was on my back started moving, then got off my back, and I saw it was Lee Jin. "Good morning Lee Jin." I said, but there was no response. Then I got up to see if she was okay. When I got to her, her eyes where still closed. "Lee Jin are you still sleep?" I asked a her, but no response. "Yeah, she still sleep." I said. Then she started walking again. "I'm going to record this." I said to myself. Then I started recording her. She was in the refrigerator and started pulling out food like she was about to cook. A few minutes later she left the food and went to G-dragon's room then came out, then she started cooking. After she was done she went to TOP's room and laid back down. Then I stopped recording. 'That was weird.' I thought to myself. "Good morning Taeyang." I heard Shin say. "Morning, did Lee Jin sleep walk when she was younger?" I asked him. "Yeah, hey did you cook breakfast?" he asked me. "No, Lee Jin was sleep walking, and then started cooking in her sleep." I told him. "Here, I recorded her." In said handing him the phone. Then everyone started waking up. "Mi Cha, Lee Jin did something new in her sleep." Shin said trying not to laugh. "She's cooking." Sungri said surprised. "Good morning." we all looked Lee Jin. "Who cooked breakfast?" she asked. "You did." we all said. "When?" she asked confused. "You did it in your sleep, Taeyang recorded you." the twins said. "Well, is the food good?" she asked. "We don't know." I said. "Then let's see." Lee Jin said. We all sat down and started eating. "This is really good." TOP said. "So, when are we going to the company?" Lee Jin asked. "I guess we can go after we're done eating." G-dragon said. After we ate we all got dressed, and Shin and Mi Cha left because they start filming today. Winner was waiting for us. "Everyone ready to go?" G-dragon asked. "Yeah!" we all yelled, then we left.

Lee Jin P.O.V

"Finally I get to practice again." I said as we were getting in the van. When we got there I went to the dance studio. 'I made it without getting lost.' I thought to myself. When I walked in I saw Myung Dae sleeping on the floor again. "Why is he always sleeping?" I asked myself. I went to him and poked him in his stomach like I did last time. After a while he finally woke up. "Good morning." I said. "Hi Lee Jin." he said. "When did you get here?" he asked. "Just now." I said. "Well, let's get started." he said. "I won't have you practice for long today, because you just got out of the hospital." he said. "Okay." I said. "But, tomorrow you're practicing twice as long to make up for the missed practices." he said. After we practice we sat down and talked, so he could get to know me better. "Lee Jin you're so interesting, you know I have a son your age." as soon as he said that, a kid ran into the dance studio. "Get dad, lunch time." a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Min Mi standing by the door. "Lee Jin you're a trainee here at YG?" he asked. "Yep." I said. "What time is it?" I asked. "10:29." Myung Dae said. "Crap, I have to hurry to my singing lessons." I said then ran out the studio. I got there right at 10:30. "Hi Lee Jin you're right on time." Taeyang said. "Taeyang what're you doing here?" I asked him. "Well, since you're singing my song I've come to help." he said. We practiced for about an hour. After we were done my throat was hurting so much, it hurt to talk. "Hi chocolate." I turned around and saw Mino walking towards me. All I did was wave. "Why aren't you talking, are you okay?" he asked. "I pointed to my throat. "Your throat hurts." he said. I nodded my head. "You should drink some warm tea." he said. Then my stomach growled. "Hey, do you want to eat lunch with us?" he asked. I nodded. "Jin Woo brought some snacks." he said as he held out his hand. I took his hand, then we left. When we walked into the dance studio they were using, they were all sitting on the floor talking. "Hey Lee Jin." they all said. I just waved. "Why aren't you talking?" Taehyun asked me. "Because her throat hurts." Mino said as we sat down. Then Seung Yoon Gave me a notebook. "You can write down what you want to say." he said. "So Lee Jin, do you do any sports?" Seung Hoon asked me. "Yep, I run track, and I'm good at boxing. You can see it on YouTube. You have to search Sang Seung boxing." I wrote. They watched the video. "Wow Lee Jin, that's amazing." Taehyun said. "Why the name Sang Seung?" Jin Woo asked. "Because at the time I was in a tournament, and while entering the tournament, I put the name Sang Seung, because in English it means rise, and I want to rise to the top and win." I wrote. "That's awesome." Seung Yoon said. "Now I want to go against you." Taehyun said. "Taehyun, you box?" I wrote with a surprised look on my face. "Yep." he said with a smile. "Hey Chocolate, can you speak other languages?" Mino asked me. "Yep, I can speak English, Japanese, and German." I wrote. "That cool." Jin Woo said. "Lee Jin, when you can speak again, can you speak in those languages?" Seung Noon asked me. "Sure." I wrote. Then I saw Taeyang walk in. "Lee Jin it's time to go." he said. "Bye Lee Jin." they all said waving. Before I left, I handed Seung Yoon his notebook back. "You can keep it." he said. I gave him a hug. "Thanks." I wrote then left.


"Hey Lee Jin, when we get home, I'll make you some tea for your throat." I said. Then I looked at her, and saw her sleeping on my shoulder. "Sleep well and have good dreams." I whispered. Then fell asleep.

Well that's the end of this chapter, and I hope it wasn't boring, if it wasn't boring great, but if it was, please tell me. Please vote and comment. Bye V.I.P/Innercircle Peoples.

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