Chapter 35

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Lee Jin P.O.V
When we walked in, I saw YG sitting at his desk and a man standing next to the desk. The man turned around and I recognized him immediately. "Uncle." I said running towards him. I felt tear build up in my eyes. "Uncle what are you doing here?" I asked in English. "I came here to see, but I didn't know your father was in prison." he said in Korean. "You can speak Korean?" I asked surprised.  "Yeah, I had to learn before I got here, I planned on coming a lot sooner, but I had learn Korean." he said. "Hey Lee Jin, are you going to introduce us?" G-dragon asked. "Oh yeah." I said letting go of my uncle. "Okay, uncle Walt this is Big Bang, Big Bang this is uncle Walt, now you guys introduce yourselves." I told them. "I'm G-dragon." "I'm TOP." "I'm Taeyang." I'm Daesung." "I'm Seungri." They said introducing themselves. "Nice to meet you all, and I want to thank you for taking care of Lee Jin." he said. "Excuse me, are you going to take Lee Jin away?" Daesung asked. "Well that depends how the well Lee Jin's being taken care of at the home, so I'm going to stay with you guys for a week." he said. "Okay, well we have to get back to practice, we have a concert on March 5th, so you can come and watch us practice, if you want." G-dragon said. Then we left. While in walking, we ran into Bobby and B.I . "Hey Lee Jin." B.I said. "Who is that?" Bobby asked. "Oh, this is my uncle." I said. "Hello my name is Bobby and this is B.I." Bobby said in English. "Nice to meet you." my uncle said in Korean. "Bobby I didn't know you could speak English." I said. "Yeah, I have lived in America." he said. "Well bye Lee Jin, see ya later." Bobby said. Then we got to the dance studio. My uncle sat by the door. We practiced hard for four long hours. "So, how long are you guys going to be practicing for?" My uncle asked while we were taking a break. "Um, we'll practice for another hour, then we'll be done." G-dragon said. I reached into my bag to get another apple, but I didn't see anymore apples. "I'm out of apples." I said quietly. "Hey Lee Jin, we're about to start let's go." Taeyang said. I got up, and we started. While practicing, I couldn't focus on the moves. I kept getting distracted by different things. After an hour, we were done. Then we gathered our stuff and left. "Hey Lee Jin, what's wrong, you didn't seem focused during the last part of practice." Taeyang said in a concerned voice. "Well, do you remember when I said why I eat a lot of sour things?" I asked him. "Yes." he said. "Well I ran out of sour apples when we were taking a break." I said. "Oh, well do you want to go to the store and buy some sour foods?" he asked. "Yes." I said excitedly. "Then let's go." he said holding out his hand.

Taeyang P.O.V
We were walking out of the company, until Lee Jin's uncle stopped us. "Hey, where're you guys going?" he asked. "We're going to the store, cause Lee Jin ran out of green apples." I said. "Well I'm coming with you guys." he said. Me and Lee Jin just nodded. Then we started walking again. When we got to the store, I made sure I had my sun glasses on and my hat. "Hey Lee Jin, do I look good?" I asked. "Yeah, perfect desgiuse." she said in English. "Alright, let's go." I said then we walked in. We headed for the fruit section. We picked up three bags of green apples. "Well, while we're here, we should get some other things." I said. "Is there anything else that we need?" Lee Jin asked. "Yeah, we need more milk, soap, cereal, eggs, and we can buy some tubs of ice cream." I said. "Okay, we're going to need a basket." Lee Jin's uncle said. "I'll get it." Lee Jin said then left. Her uncle turned towards me. "So, how did Lee Jin become a trainee of YG without a guardian signature?" he asked. "Me and the other guys adopted her, after her father was put in prison." I said. "Does she enjoy living with you guys." he asked. "I think so, she doesn't complain about living with us." I said. "Has she made any friends?" he asked. "Yeah, she's friend with Winner, two members from IKON, and 2NE1." I said. "Who's IKON?" he asked. "They haven't debuted yet, but you've met two members already, B.I and Bobby." I said. "Oh them." he said, then Lee Jin came back with the basket. It didn't take long to get the stuff we needed, except the ice cream. Lee Jin was against getting strawberry ice cream. "Why don't you want to get strawberry ice cream for TOP?" I asked. "That Bingu can get his own strawberry ice cream." she said. "Bingu, where did you hear that name?" I asked. "I saw a video on YouTube." she said. "Fine, we won't get the ice cream." I said. "What other flavor do you want to get." I asked. "Cookie dough and mint chocolate." she said. I got them, then we went to the check out line. After we bought the food, we walked home. When we got home, the other guys weren't here. Lee Jin's uncle sat on the couch. "Do you have any luggage?" I asked. "Yes, YG said that he would have it dropped off at your guys apartment." he said. Then the other guys walked in. "Where were you guys?" I asked. "TOP wanted ice cream." Daesung said. "Who's stuff is this?!" I heard G-dragon yell. "That might be my stuff." I heard Lee Jin uncle said, then went to G-dragon's room to get his stuff. "So, what did you guys get from the store?" TOP asked from the living room. "We bought more green apples, more soap, milk, cereal, eggs, and ice cream." I said. "You have ice cream, what flavors?" he asked excitedly. "We got chocolate, mint chocolate, and cookie dough." I said. "No strawberry." he said sadly. "No, Lee Jin said that Bingu can get his own strawberry ice cream." I said. "Where did she hear that name?" he asked. "She watched the episode of family outing that you were on." I said. After we ate, we took showers and got ready for bed. "So, where does Lee Jin sleep?" Lee Jin's uncle asked. "Um, she sleeps in all of our rooms." I said. "Okay." he said then fell asleep on the couch. 'Wow,he fell asleep fast.' I thought to myself. When I got to bed Lee Jin wasn't sleep yet. "Lee Jin, you need to sleep, you start school tomorrow." I said. "Okay." she said sliding her phone under the bed. "Good night Lee Jin." I said. "Good night Taeyang." she said then I heard soft snoring. Fell asleep soon after.

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