Chapter 31

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Lee Jin P.O.V
"I will debut as a member of Big Bang." I said. "Good you'll debut on the 5th of March." YG said. Then he left. I looked around to see of the guys were still here. I ran towards them. "So, what did YG want to talk to you about?" TOP asked. "Well, he asked me if I wanted to debut as a solo artist or debut as a member of Big Bang." I said. "What did you choose?" TOP asked. "I'm going to debut as a member of Big Bang." I said. "Yay." Daesung and Sungri said. Then we left to go practice. While we were practicing, I was called to YG office. "Lee Jin, you need to write a song to sing at the concert." he said. "Okay." I said. Then I left. While walking I had my lyrics notebook with me, so started thinking of lyrics, then I ran into someone. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." a familiar voice said. "Lee Jin, you okay?" the voice asked. "Yes." I said, then Looked up and saw B.I. "That's good, your preformance today was good." he said. "Thanks." I said. "When do you debut?" he asked. "On March 5th, I'm debuting as a member of Big Bang." I said. "Really, that's cool." he said. Then we walked back to the recording studio, and said our goodbyes. We I walked in I saw four ladies talking with the other guys. Then they turned around, and ran towards me. One of them picked me up and hugged me really tight. "On god, she's so cute." the lady said. "Dara put her down, before you squeeze the life out of her." another lady said. "Okay, but she's so adorable CL." the lady said. "Let introduce ourselves." another lady said. "I'm CL." she said. "I'm Dara." the lady that squeezed me said. "I'm Bom." she's said. "I'm Minzy." she said. "And we're 2ne1!" they said together. "I'm Lee Jin, nice to meet you." I said. "We saw your performance today, and it was really good." CL said. "Thanks." I said. "Hey, what's that book you're holding?" Minzy asked. "It's my lyrics book, I write down all my feelings and turn them into songs, so you could say this my diary." I said. Then I walked over to my bag and put the book in there. "Well, I have to practice." I said. "Oh, wait." CL said. "When do you debut?" she asked. "I'm debuting March 5th as a member of Big Bang." I said. "Okay, see ya." she said waving. Before they left, Dara hugged me really tight, then put me back down. Then they left. I walked over to Sungri, who was sitting down watching TOP rap. "What song are they singing?" I asked. "Fantastic Baby, we're singing it at the concert." Taeyang said. "Oh." I said. "You'll be rapping with TOP." G-dragon said. "What songs are we going to sing at the concert?" I asked them. "Fantastic Baby, you and Taeyang are singing Ringa Linga, then you'll preform a song you've written." G-dragon said. "Wow, that awesome." I said. Then we practiced some more. Then we went to the dance studio. "We're going to practice the dance for Ringa Linga." Taeyang said. "Why not fantastic Baby?" I asked. "Because it doesn't have a choreography for it." he said. We practiced for an hour, then took a brake. I went over to my bag, and took out two bottles of water and gave one to Taeyang. "Thanks." he said. "You're welcome." I said. After our brake, we practiced for 15 more minutes, then left. Everyone else had already went home. So me and Taeyang walked home. When we got home, TOP had Sungri in a head lock. "TOP, what are you doing?" Taeyang asked. "He ate my ice cream." he said. "Was it strawberry ice cream?" I asked. TOP nodded. "Good job Daesung, strawberry is the worst flavor, and chocolate will always be the best." I said just to mess with TOP. "No it isn't." TOP said, dropping Daesung. "Yes it is." I said. Then TOP grabbed me and started tickling me. "Stop haha, stop haha." I said while laughing. "Then, which ice cream flavor is the best?" he asked while tickling me still. "Chocolate." I said. "Fine, then I'm not stopping." he said, and continued to tickle me. "Fine, strawberry is the best." I reluctantly said. "Good." he said. "I'm sleepy." I said. "Well, take a shower, then let's got to bed." he said. "Okay." I said then went to the bathroom, the door wasn't locked so I walked in. When I walked in Taeyang had a towel around his waist. "Oh sorry." I said. I was about to walk out then I saw his abs. "Taeyang, I didn't know you had abs." I said, then I poked his stomach. "Lee Jin, get out so I can change." he said flicking my forehead. "Okay." I said, then walked out. A few minutes later Taeyang walked out. "I'm done so you can use the bathroom now." he said rubbing my head. "Okay." I said then walked. I looked at myself in the mirror. I lifted my shirt and looked at my stomach. 'I want abs too.' I thought to myself, then took a shower. After my shower, I looked in the mirror and saw a scar on my forehead. 'I kinda looks cool, maybe I'll stop wearing the hat so much.' I thought to myself. I changed into my pj's, then walked out the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen and saw Taeyang in the refrigerator. I grabbed a granny smith, then sat down at the table. Then Taeyang got out the refrigerator and got a red apple. "Taeyang, how did you get abs?" I asked him. "I go to the gym, why?" he said. "Because, I want abs too." I said.

Taeyang P.O.V
"Why do you want abs?" I asked her. "I don't know." she said. "Haha, okay, tomorrow morning, I'll take you to the gym with me." I said. "Okay." she said. "Lee Jin, are you really 10?" I asked. "Yes, why?" she asked. "Because, you act so mature at times, then you'll act your age, then you'll like you're younger than what you are, so I just wonder, that's all." I said. "You must love sour things." I said. "Yeah, when I was in the states, a friend got me hooked on sour food and candy." she said. "Lee Jin, what kind of job did your mom have?" I asked her. "She was a translator for a big company." she said. We finished our apples then, went to bed. The next morning I woke up at 5:00, and tried to wake up Lee Jin. "Lee Jin, it's time to get up." I said shaking her. "Five more minutes." she mumbled. 'G-dragon is really rubbing off on her.' I thought to myself. "Okay, but you won't get any abs if don't get up." I said. Then she jumped up and hit a wall. "Why are you so clumsy?" I asked. Then she went to the bathroom, and came out in a gray shirt and black jogging pants. Ready to go?" I asked her. "Yes captain." she said, then we left. When we got to the gym, Lee Jin looked amazed. "It's huge!" she yelled. "First you'll run for 30 minutes on the treadmill, you can go as fast as you want as long as it's not walking speed." I said. Then she got on the treadmill and started running, while I did my push ups. After she was done, she walked over to me. "Good, next you'll 30 push ups." I said. "Yes captain." she said. Then she started, and I started doing sit ups. "I'm done." she said. "Okay, now do 30 sit ups and then we're done for the day." I said. Then I got on the treadmill and ran until she was done. After Lee Jin was done, she came over to me. "I'm done." she said. "Good, let's go home." I said. "We're going to jog home and the last one there has to wash the dishes for a whole week." I said. "Deal." she said, then we shook on it. "On mark get set go!" I said, then we took off. She was jogging, but she was still fast. Unfortunately I lost. She we walked in, we smelt Bacon, and saw Daesung in the kitchen. "Good morning Daesung." she said. "Good morning Lee Jin, Taeyang."he said. "You guys are just on time for breakfast." he said. Then TOP and Sungri walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." TOP said while hugging Lee Jin. "I'll get G-dragon up." Lee Jin said then left.

Lee Jin P.O.V
I walked into G-dragon's room and saw him almost about to fall off the bed. "G-dragon, it's time to get up." I said shaking him. "I'm getting up, but give me five minutes." he said. "Then you're not getting any breakfast." I said. "Okay, okay, I'm getting up." he said. Then we walked to the table and started eating. "Where were you guys this morning, Taeyang?" Daesung asked. "We went to the gym." Taeyang said. "Why did Lee Jin go?" TOP asked. "Because, last night Lee Jin told me she wanted abs like me." Taeyang said. "Why?" G-dragon asked. "I don't know, but it happened after she walked in on me after I took my shower." Taeyang said. "Lee Jin, you can be so weird sometimes." Sungri said. After we ate, we got ready to leave. When we got there, I was called to YG's office. "Good morning Lee Jin." he said. "Good morning." I said. I saw Myung Dae sitting down on the couch. "Lee Jin, Myung Dae is your manager." YG said. "But, I thought he was a dance teacher." I said confused. "He wanted to be your manager." YG said. "Okay." I said. Then we walked out. "Okay, Lee Jin first, you have an interview tomorrow, YG has already released the news about Big Bang having a new member, but that's all." Myung Dae said. "Okay, well I have to go practice." I said then we left. When I walked in, I saw Taeyang singing. "Lee Jin, you're just on time, we're ending practice early today." G-dragon said. "Why?" I asked. "Because, we're going to get you a phone." he said.

Well that's the end of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please vote and comment. Also, I looked through the other chapters, I apologize for the spelling errors. Bye V.I.P/Innercircle/IKON fan Peoples.

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