Chapter 51 Running Man

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Lee Jin P.O.V
'I wonder who is going to school with me today?' I thought to myself. I'm laying in bed in a daze cause I don't wanna get up. "Lee Jin, wake up, it's time for school and wake Seungri up he's going to school with you today." I heard Jiyong Oppa said. I just made a noise, then Jiyong Oppa walked away. I rolled over and saw I was laying next to Seungri Oppa. "Seungri Oppa, wake up, you're going to school with me today." I said shaking him. Seungri Oppa sat up and got out of bed. I got up too and we both walked to the bathroom. "Lee Jin, brush my teeth please, I'm tired?" Seungri Oppa asked whining. "No, I don't wanna, I wanna go back to bed." I said. "Me too, wanna skip school today, and sleep all day?" He asked. "But Jiyong Oppa won't let us skip school, we'll get in trouble." I said trying to squeeze the tooth paste out the tube. "Yeah but if we wait until they all leave, then sneek back into the house and sleep all day." Seungri Oppa said taking the tube and putting the paste on my toothbrush. "No you can't, Lee Jin has to go to school." Jiyong Oppa said. "But Hyung, we're tired." Seungri Oppa whined and used puppy dog eyes. "It's not gonna work Seungri, Lee Jin has to learn." Jiyong Oppa said. "Fine, brush your teeth and get dressed Lee Jin." Seungri Oppa said. After I brushed my teeth, I walked to Youngbae's room. I walked into his room and saw Youngbae was still asleep, so I was very quiet, and got my uniform and walked out. I walked to the bathroom and changed clothes. "Lee Jin Noona, are you ready?" I heard Hak Kun ask. I walked out the bathroom brushing my hair and looked at him. "Okay, I'm ready." Then threw the brush on the couch. "Lee Jin Noona, you should put the brush up, not on the couch." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause someone could sit on it." He said then Daesung Oppa sat down where I threw the brush. "Ow!" Daesung Oppa said then stood up real quick. "Lee Jin, don't leave your brush on the couch." Daesung Oppa said handing me my brush. "Okay, sorry Daesung Oppa." I said then put my brush up. "Okay, I'm ready." Seungri Oppa said. "Seungri Oppa, why did it take you long?" I asked. "It didn't take me long to get dressed, I went back to sleep when I went back to my room to get dressed." He said. Me and Hak Kun just sighed. I saw Seungri Oppa picking up his keys. "Seungri Oppa, we walk to school, so you don't need your keys." I said. He nodded, then we left. When we got to school, we ran into the school so we wouldn't be late. While we were running I hit somebody that was in front of me. The person I ran into turned around. "Hi Jason Hyung." Hak Kun said trying to catch his breath. "Hi Hak Kun, Lee Jin, Seungri Hyung." Jason said helping me up. "Hey, what time does the bell-" Seungri Oppa was interrupted by the Bell ringing. "We're late!" We all yelled then started running to class. When we got to class, Mr.Park was already there. "You three are late again, what's the excuse this time?" Mr.Park asked. "Well, we were abducted by aliens and we had to beat up the aliens or they would've destroyed the earth." I said. "You want me to believe that story?" He asked. "I think it's believe able." I said. "Well it's not, go sit down you three." Mr.Park said. He didn't realize Seungri Oppa was here. Mr.Park looked up and saw Seungri Oppa. "Oh, hello, I'm sorry I didn't see you sir." Mr.Park said. "It's okay." Seungri Oppa said. "Please introduce yourself to the class." Mr.Park said. "Is there a reason for Seungri Hyung to introduce himself, I mean the girls look like they're going to burst." Jason whispered. Me and Hak Kun just laughed. "Hello everybody, I'm Seungri, nice to meet you all, I hope you're being nice to Lee Jin." Seungri Oppa said then sat down next to me. While the teacher was talking, me and Seungri Oppa started dozing off to sleep. "Lee Jin!" Mr.Park yelled. I jumped and woke up, so did Seungri Oppa. "Come up and solve the problem." Mr.Park said. I walked up to the board and picked up the piece of chalk. I stared at the problem and took a deep breath. "If you can't answer then you know the punishment for sleeping in class." He said. I nodded then started writing on he board. After I was done, I put the chalk down and looked at Mr.Park. "You're correct, go sit down and if you go to sleep again and you will be in trouble." He said. "Yes sir." I said then walked back to my seat. After I was awake, time went by quickly and it was finally time for lunch. "I'm hungry, come on let's hurry before the line gets long." I said running. When we got the cafeteria we were first in line. "Yes, we are first." Me and Jason said raising our fists up. "Come on Hyung and Noona, me and Seungri Hyung are hungry too." Hak Kun said then we got our food and went to the roof. "Hey' I haven't seen Seong today, I wonder if she's sick." I said. "I don't know." Hak Kun said. "Hey Lee Jin, if you need help with math, you can tell us and we can get you a tutor that will help you with math." Seungri Oppa said. "I don't want a tutor." I said. "Okay, then I can help you." Jason said. "Really?" I asked. Jason just nodded. "Awesome." I said then hi fived him. "Lee Jin, we gotta go." Seungri Oppa said. "Where you and Noona going, Seungri Hyung?" Hak Kun asked. "We're going to film 'Running Man'." Seungri Oppa said. "Ah, have fun." Jason said waving good bye, then we left. "Seungri Oppa, is 'Running Man' fun?" I asked while we were walking home. "Yeah, it's fun." He said. When we got home, the others were ready to go. "Shorty, go change, you too Seungri, then we can go." Seung Hyun Oppa said. "Okay." Me and Seungri Oppa said then I walked to Youngbae's room. When I went into the room, I put my clothes on and went towards his snapbacks. "Don't take one." Youngbae said. "I wasn't." I said walking away from them. "Then why were you over there by tthem?" He asked. "Just admiring them." I said. "Well come on, lets go." He said then we left the room. "Are you ready Shorty?" Seung Hyun Oppa asked. "Yep." I said then we left the house. "Oh we need to tell Nick to watch Oreo and Brownie." I said then went back in the house. "Nick, you're watching Oreo and Brownie again today." I said. "Why?" Nick asked while he was cleaning. "Cause I can't take the with me, and Bobby is coming over to help again." I said then left. When I walked out the house, Myung Dae was already here. I got in the van and sat next to Jiyong Oppa. "We're here." Myung Dae said I looked out the window. "Come on Lee Jin." Jiyong Oppa said. We got out the van and walked towards the building. Someone led us to a changing room. I went to my changing room and looked at the clothes I was changing into. "They look like clothes from Ancient Greece." I said to myself. I changed clothes and put a bottle of water on the floor. "This is Sparta!" I yelled kicking down the bottle of water. "Lee Jin, come on." I heard Youngbae say outside my door. "Really, Sparta?" He asked looking at me. "Yep." I said my then we saw the others. "If you guys are, I will take you guys to the area where we are filming." A person said. We all nodded and got in the van. "I'm sitting next to Shorty." Seung Hyun Oppa said and quickly sat next to me. The person started driving, it didn't take long for us to get there. We all got out the car and stood under a tent to stay out the sun. Then there were cars driving around in circles making smoke and dust fly everywhere. After the cars drove off, we were told to stand behind the dusk and smoke. When the it cleared, I saw the other team. "Wow, she's so adorable!" Jihyo Unni yelled. "They're the enemy, don't compliment them." Haha said. "Anyway, lets introduce our guests." Jae Suk said. "Please welcome our guests, Big Bang!" He yelled. I had a huge grin on my face. "Sang Seung, you look really happy to be here." Jae Suk said. "Yes I am, I like watching, it seems really fun, so I'm excited." I said. "She speaks really well." I heard them say. "Haha, thank you." I said. "How come you guys are where skirts?" Suk Jin asked. "We're from Lome." I said. "Lome?" They asked. "It's pronounced Rome." G-dragon Oppa told me. "Oh, we're from Rome." I said. Then Jihyo Unni ran up to me and hugged me tight. "Jihyo, let go of her!" Gary and Jae Suk got Jihyo Unni off me. Then we walked to where the first mission. There was a platform with gears on it. (A/N:Okay, so I don't completely remember what the rules are for the first mission, so I'm going to explain as best as possible.) "I will say a time, and you have to push your head through the plastic wrap and say cuckoo to whatever the time is, for example if I say six o'clock, you would try to get your head through the plastic wrap, if you get it wrong, we start over." One of the PD said. We all walked off the platform, then the gears started spinning. "6:00." They said then blew a whistle. We all started running and I saw G-dragon roll, Daesung Oppa got stuck on a gear, and I didn't see Seungri Oppa anywhere. When I finally got to the plastic wrap, I saw TOP already there trying to put his head through and the other team tried to stop him, but TOP finally got his head through. "Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!" TOP yelled. The PD nodded their head telling us that he was right. TOP pulled his head out and had a goofy smile on his face. "That was hard, I wanted to give up." He said them walked off the platform. "12:00." The PD said. We all ran, except TOP, on to the platform and Taeyang got there first. He started pushing his head through. "Haha, Taeyang looks like a pink alien." I said. Taeyang got his head through and started. "Cuckoo, cukoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cukoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!" Taeyang yelled. "Wrong, the time was 12, you only said cuckoo 11 times." The PD said. Taeyang pulled his head out and walked off the platform. I followed him off. "Did you call me a pink alien?" He asked me. "Yep." I said. We continued playing the game and we won. That plastic wrap is so hard to break through, but it was fun. "To the next game!" I yelled running to the van. We all got into the van, well only our team. While we were in the van, I tried to take a nap, but it was hot. "Why is it hot?" I asked. "Because it's not just winter." TOP said then he fell asleep, actually they all fell asleep. "We're here." We all woke up. When we got out of the car, there was a huge lake with basketball hoops in there. We were handed towels, then headed to the lake. (AN: Okay, so I'm just going to type what happens in the game, just watch the episode.) "Okay, you guys are going to play basketball and the team with the most point, wins." One of the staff members said.

~~Timeskip~~ After the game

"We won!" Jae Suk said. "Now we're tied up, it's 1 to 1." Haha said. We started moving to the last game. "The last game you will play is an obstacle course, and you'll be using the two cars to get to each obstacle, and whichever team finishes first wins." They said. "Alright, ready... start!" We ran to our cars and started driving. All three obstacles were easy, then we got to the last one. We were all trying to get in the van and you had to have all of your team members inside the van. It took a while, but we finally got all of our team in the can then we won. The horn went off, signaling the game was over. "We won!" Daesung Oppa yelled. Our time machine is here and we got in it. "Big Bang won, and that means that can go back to their time." Jae Suk said. We waved to the camera then drove off. After the show was over, we got out of the car, then went to the dressing room and changed. After I finished, I walked out and walked around. I didn't get far though, cause Myung Dae stopped me from walking around. When the others finished changing, we left. When we got home, we saw Nick and Bobby asleep on the couch and Cookie and Brownie were asleep with them. We all took a picture of them, then got ready for bed.

Annnnnnnd that's the end of this chapter. Please vote and comment on what you liked about the chapter. And why you guys so silent, geez guys I need some type of feedback from you. IKON finally debuted and I'm so happy. Anyway Bye V.I.P/ INNERCIRCLE/BLACKJACKS/IKONICS/Igot7 PEOPLES

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