Chapter 52

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~Timeskip~(The Weekend)
Lee Jin P.O.V
When I woke up, I felt two things on my back, but whatever it was, it wasn't heavy. I groaned, while trying to move. Whatever was on my back, stood up and jumped off my back. I saw it was Oreo on the floor. "Good morning Oreo." I said scratching his head. He purred ,then walked off and out the room.

Daesung P.O.V
I heard my door open. I look up and see my door opened, but nobody was there. I laid back down and started going back to sleep. As I started to doze off, I heard something fall. I sat up quickly and looked around. I heard purring from under my bed, and got scared. 'What if it's a ghost?' I thought to myself. I grabbed my Doraemon pillow and flashlight. I shined it under my bed and saw Oreo purring. I reached under and picked him up. "Oreo, you scared me." I said scratching his head. He just puured and rubbed his head against my hand. Oreo curled up into a ball and stayed there. I went back to sleep after a while 'I wonder why the bed is wet, It's probably just cold'.

~Timeskip Breakfast time~

Oreo P.O.V
I felt the bed move, so I got up. I saw the human that's always happy, leave the room, so I did too. He walked into the kitchen and got my food bowl down. He put food in my bowl and I started eating. While I was eating, I could smell something delicious. I lifted my head and saw the human cooking bacon. I leave my bowl and walk over to him.

Daesung P.O.V
While I was cooking, I heard purring and felt something against my leg. I looked down and saw Oreo looking up at me. "You can't have this, this is human food." I told him then Lee Jin walked out of Youngbae Hyung's room. "Good morning Daesung Oppa." She said while her eyes still closed. "Good morning." I said with a smile. "Hey Lee Jin, go brush your teeth so you don't get cavities." I said, then she left. When she came back, Brownie was with her. "Daesung Oppa, I think I grew." Lee Jin said. "Why do you say that?" I asked while still cooking. "Because my pants don't go all the way to my ankles anymore." She said. I stopped cooking and turned around to her and looked at her pants. "Wow, you're right, yay my little sister is growing." I said. 'Wow, I remember when Youngbae Hyung first brought her home, she was so frail and small.' I thought to myself, then started tearing up a little. "Daesung Oppa, are you okay?" Lee Jin asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said clearing my throat. "Are you sure, I see you're teary eyed." She said. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said rubbing my eyes. "Okay." She said taking some bacon. "Lee Jin, feed Brownie before you forget." I reminded her. She nodded her head and got Brownie's bowl down and put food in it. "There you go Brownie." She said. "Lee Jin, can you please stay small?" I asked her. I was partly joking, but I was kind of serious too. "No I can't, Seung Hyun Oppa will continue as make fun of me." She said. "Haha, okay." I said then put the food on the plates. Lee Jin went to go wake up the others. A few minutes later, they came to the table and sat down. Nick walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." Nick said then his phone started ringing. "Hey Shin." Nick said. "What, are you serious!?" Nick yelled. "Yes, finally, thanks for telling me Shin, bye." Nick said then hung up the phone. "Yes, I have been accepted into JYP!" Nick yelled. "Really?!" Lee Jin yelled. "Yeah, I'm going to go tomorrow." Nick said. His eyes are huge and filled with excitement. "Alright everyone, calm down, lets finish eating then get ready to go to the company so we can record 'Bang Bang Bang' and 'We like 2 party'." Jiyong hyung said. We all nodded our heads then sat down and finished eating.

Timeskip (YG ENT.)

Jiyong P.O.V
Recording for 'We like 2 party' went smoothly, but we're still working on 'Bang Bang Bang'. "How much longer is she going to keep doing this?" Youngbae asked. "I don't know, but the f she doesn't stop soon, she's going to tire herself out." Seung Hyun Hyung said. The song ended and Lee Jin walked out of the booth. "Can I listen to it?" She asked after she drinking some of her water. I played the recording and saw Lee Jin completely focused on the song, trying to make sure it was perfect. "Can I go again?" She asked after the song ended. "Okay." I said while sighing. She went back into the booth and I started the music again. While she was singing, someone walked through the door. I turned around and saw Psy sunbaenim come in. I stopped the music and we all greeted him. "Is this Lee Jin?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "How long has she been in there?" He asked. "I'm not sure, but I" "It's been three hours." Seung Hyun Hyung said cutting me off. Lee Jin walked out of the booth. "Lee Jin, take a break, before you hurt yourself, specifically speaking, your throat." He said. "Yes sir." Lee Jin said then picked up a bottle of water and sat down on the couch. Then Psy sunbaenim left. "Can we go home now?" Nick whined. "Yeah, let's go." I said then we left. When we got home, Lee Jin went straight to my room. I went to the kitchen and messed with Nick's cheeks. "Hyung, what are you doing?" He asked. "Messing with your cheeks." I said then I saw that he had pimple on his forehead. "Nick." I said in a serious tone. "Yes?" He asked. "You have a pimple." I said then I started laughing. "Hey, I thought it was something serious, I thought I could in trouble." He said. "Why, did you do something to get in trouble?" I asked. "No." He said quickly like he was guilty of something. "Yes you did, what did you do?" I asked pinching his cheek. "Ow ow ow, okay, I accidentally wet the bed last night." He said. He look like he was about to cry because of the embarrassment. "Aw, it's okay Nick, I won't tell anyone." I said. He just nodded and sat on the couch. "Oh, who's bed were you in?" I asked. "Daesung Hyung's room." He said. I walked to Daesung's room and saw he wasn't in there. "Alright, let's change these sheets before Daesung gets in here." I said to myself quietly. I quickly took the sheet off the bed and put them in a basket. "Psst, Nick." I called him over to the room. "Put this in the washing machine." I told him. I put the other sheet on the straightened up his bed then left. "Alright, the bed is all fixed and an no more pee sheet's." I said. "Okay, you think Daesung Hyung will find out?" Nick asked me. "I don't think so." I said. "Hmm... so why did you wet the bed?" I asked him. "I don't think... don't ask me that Hyung." He said looking embarrassed. "You're fun to mess with." I said poking his cheek. "I'm sleepy." He said quietly rubbing his eyes like a little child. "Hey Jiyong hyung, lets watch a movie." Nick said. "Okay, go pick one." I said. After he chose the movie, I started it. After about thirty minutes, I heard soft snoring next to me. 'He must have been exhausted.' I thought to myself. I put a blanket over Nick then went to bed.

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