Chapter Three

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A/N: hi!!

this is the chapter to wrap up the loose ends from the previous book and set up the terrain for what's coming. hint: you've been waiting for the upcoming chapters for the longest time

so i have been dying for an Apple Watch and AirPods for the longest time and i finally finally got them today! i got the watch in rose gold and as a professional sucker for rose gold i absolutely LOVE IT. plus the AirPods Pros are seriously soo good esp with their noise cancellation!! having new apple products always makes me feel 🥰

anyway, this chapter is mildly fluffy and sweet so enjoy!


"This...This is love, I just know it."


In the eight days since she had been hospitalized, the city of New York had recovered from the virus that Lukov had spread.

When the police officers searched the warehouse, they found blueprints for a cure against the virus and within a few days, it had died down before it could spread any further. However, it had still taken four lives of innocent people. Adelaide couldn't help but blame herself for those four lives. If she hadn't helped Lukov make the virus in the first place, maybe those four people would still be alive. And more than those people, Adelaide took pity on those four families who had to suffer the loss.

All because of her.

She sighed, looking out the window of the moving car.

The blood of those four people wasn't the only blood on her hands. She had killed Graves in that truck. His blood was fresh on her hands. She had nightmares about his dark, metallic liquid staining her skin and no matter how hard she scrubbed, it wouldn't come off. She would sometimes hear Graves screaming at her for killing him, telling her she had made a mistake.

The authorities wanted to question her for the murders of the two men in the warehouse, but Tony paid them a large sum of money to stop the investigation. There was no use in explaining to them that what she did had been done in self defense. And if they prodded more deeply into her past, they might find out about her powers and the last thing Tony wanted was for his daughter to become a lab rat. Luckily, money wasn't a problem and Adelaide was grateful that he had helped her avoid that catastrophe altogether.

Despite her doubts about killing Graves, she knew that he had had no other options. It was either Lukov or her.

And Graves knew that.

Then there was the gift. He obviously knew he was going to die because he had arranged for someone to drop it off to her. She still couldn't believe he held onto it for all these years...just for her. She owed him a greater gratitude than she could ever express.

So Adelaide decided a proper funeral was called for.

It was just her, Tony, Pepper, and Happy, but they were mostly coming to support her. Obviously they didn't know who Graves was. But if he had helped Adelaide in any way before, they all agreed he deserved a funeral. They were all on their way to the cemetery right now.

They didn't have a body, but Adelaide brought the knife he had given her and a picture of him she got off the school website from when he used to work there. She figured it would have to suffice.

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