Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: hellooo

so sorry i forgot to update yesterday, it's been a crazy week lol

my roommate and i went to a coin concert which was really fun and yesterday we wanted some taco bell but it was drive thru only and we didn't have a car so, naturally, we stood in the drive thru line but they didn't take our order cause we didn't have a car. lame.

and i totally didn't skip out on doing homework yesterday to watch a three hour long movie and am now completely swamped with so much homework 😁

anyway, enjoy this chapter, it's kinda long!

"What if he accidentally

tells everyone we're

porn stars or something?"

Phin hated the smell in most bars, but this one was particularly revolting.

It smelled like rotting fish and distinctly like the Cuban cigar her uncle used to smoke once a year at Christmastime. He said it was too special to smoke whenever and after they had dinner on Christmas night, he would go out onto their balcony and listen to the carolers while enjoying his smoke.

When her eyes searched through the numbers of men and women — but mostly men — crowding the bar on a Tuesday night, she found the man she was looking for: short, scruffy, and not yet completely hammered like the rest of them. Looking around one more time, she made her way to him. She leaned against the bar, not looking directly at him.

"I need to talk with the boss," she said under her breath. That got his attention. He sized her up, taking in the hood covering her head and the well-worn leather jacket. He chuckled.

"Boss ain't seein' no kids, girlie," he said, taking a swing of his beer, "Go home before your curfew strikes."

"Tell him it's Phin Mason," she said between her teeth, continuing to look around to make sure no one was watching them. Everyone was too wasted to care or notice.

"Yeah," he scoffed, "Like I'm supposed to know what that means."

Before he knew what was happening, he felt a jolt of electricity run from his thigh through his entire leg, and he found himself completely losing feeling in his leg. He stumbled, crashing his beer onto the ground, but he gripped the bar before he did the same. He grunted in pain, gritting his teeth.

"Boss. Now," Phin said, leaning down to make sure he could hear her in his crouched position. His face was purple. She stuffed her weapon back into her jacket pocket. It wasn't much, just a taser she'd made from an old electric toothbrush when she had been bored.

"Through — that — door," he gasped, and Phin glanced up to see the wooden door he was talking about.

"It will go away in a couple minutes," she told the man before pushing past him to the door. She swallowed, gathering herself and looking around again before knocking. She waited. Her heartbeat quivered.

"Come in," she heard. She let herself in.

The room was small and dark except for the poker game going on around the round table in the middle of the room. She didn't recognize any of the men there. Or the women who were straddling them. Phin's poor heart beat faster. She reminded herself why she was here.

She saw the boss who was sitting directly in front of the door. He was bald with a tattoo on the back of his head that disappeared down into the collar of his trench coat. There was a thick scar that ran down the side of his face, supporting his dangerous vibe. His dark black eyes studied her as he expertly shuffled the cards. All eyes were on her.

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