Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: you guys, this is 7 thousand words of padie and nothing else

"Well, I bet you didn't

know that I've been

secretly cheating on you

this whole time."

Dinner long abandoned, it started with a simple kiss over the kitchen island and then just like that, the food wasn't appetizing enough anymore.

As it so happened any time they were alone together, it was damn near impossible to keep their hands to themselves. And with dinner at done, and the dishes all washed...well, there wasn't much else left to do.

Peter gently lowered her down onto the couch, not once letting go of her gaze. He felt her fingers gently holding the back of his neck as her head met the cushions on the couch. Her small body easily sunk into the couch and Peter hovered over her, blocking most of her field of vision so all she could see was him and his beautiful brown eyes as he looked at her with so much love for her and her alone.

He closed the distance between their lips and kissed her slowly. The feeling of his lips moving against hers had gotten familiar at this point and she loved that it felt that way. She loved how comforting and familiar he felt to her.

The sound of their soft kisses and quick breaths filled the silent room. Adelaide arched up to deepen the kiss and Peter responded by grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.

His tongue brushed against her lips, asking for permission and she let him in without thinking twice. Just like that, Peter was kissing her hard and fast, exploring her mouth with his tongue and kissing her lips with his. He didn't stop in one spot and kept moving until she felt his lips wandering to her cheek and then her jaw. He paused for a moment, gently sucking the skin just below her ear, making her gasp. He seemed to know exactly how to get a reaction from her and Adelaide didn't mind in the least.

"Tell me to stop," he breathed hotly against her skin. She took in a shaky breath, curling her fingers in his hair to somehow pull him closer.

"Don't," she breathed, "Don't stop." Her stomach was swarmed with butterflies right now and with every kiss, she swore she was going to lose her mind. She felt his lips roaming along her neck, leaving a searing, lingering kiss wherever he desired.

His lips covered a spot where her neck met her shoulder and he slowly pulled down the sleeve of her sweater off of her shoulder to kiss her where her skin beautifully dipped into her collarbone, making sure to leave a sweet kiss on her scar.

His mouth found hers and they were kissing again. A hot, fast, passionate kiss for the ages. Adelaide gently pushed on his shoulder and he seemed to get the message, shifting on the couch so she was lying beside him.

"I love you," he breathed between kisses. He felt her smile against his mouth. She would never get tired of hearing those three little words from him. They had quickly become her favorite words.

She let her lips roam from his to find his sweet spot which was just below the corner of his jaw. He tilted his head up to give her access and when her soft lips met his skin, he gritted his teeth.

Her hands grazed the fabric of his shirt, moving up and down his chest to pull him closer and closer. He pulled away for a moment, causing her to frown. She got the hint when he sat up and reached for the back collar of his shirt to pull overhead. He tossed it somewhere over the couch before lying down beside her again.

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