Chapter Seventy-Six

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A/N: helloo

i am so embarrassed at the amount of time it took me to get this chapter out but turns out that i have even less time when i'm home for vacation so

anyway, i've also been hacking away at my new novel in any spare time i can find and i'm almost done with it which is literally insane to me

but speaking of, my new novel, which is called kingdom of gold, is a fantasy adventure centered around a strong female protagonist who's also an assassin (like adie) with a little romance sprinkled in there (you can read a summary of it on my profile) but i was thinking about posting it on here for people to read and i just wanted to see how much potential it would have on here.

would you consider reading it? or know anyone on here who would? it would be a huge help to me if you could lmk— even if it's not your cup of tea!

anyway, onto the story you came here to read!


"I wish I never loved him."



so last chapter, america's fav couple broke up and lots over tears were shed but we have a bit of a time jump and in that time peter's tried to move on from the breakup and ada...

well, she's broken.

she's barely alive and without peter there to watch out for her she's basically become an alcoholic and pretty much hasn't talked to another human being in a few months. she turns away anyone who tries to talk to her including may and happy and even ned and vivian because everything just isn't like it was before. it's all awkward and uncomfortable all the time.

and after three months basically in hell, our once cheerful and happy ada has found herself at the lowest of the lows in all her life :(

(btw i wrote this to experience by ludovico einaudi so listen to it if you feel like seriously sobbing your eyes out, i have it up there for convenience)

adelaide entered the last place she thought she would ever go to.

a cathedral.

this was where people went when all hope was lost, right? well, here she was. she had nothing. she had no love, no father, no hope, no will to live and she was finally here in the house of god to fall at his feet and unfurl her rage.

the large room was completely empty and her footsteps echoed from the high ceilings. she felt a shudder pass through her as if the building was telling her she didn't belong, like a magnet's repelling force. and she didn't belong here. her ledger was gushing with red. red like no one had ever seen before. red like hell.

red the way only satan loved it.

no amount of begging constituted forgiveness for her sins.

but, still, here she stood, peering up at the statue of god and wondering if he was real and if he could see the pain swimming in her blue eyes from all the way up there.

she swallowed.

"why?" she whispered and the word echoed in her ears a hundred times.

"why do you stand here and see me suffer— why won't you kill me! just fucking kill me, damn it! just end it!" she screamed.

"i don't want this! i'm done! i'm fucking done! you win! you and the universe with your stupid little games where you move us around like pawns— you win! i give up. i don't want to keep playing anymore."

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