Chapter Seventy-One

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A/N: alright welcome back! so peter is officially coming back in this chapter and you guys have absolutely no idea how excited i am to write this part of the story— i've been waiting forever to publish this!!


"How did you get here?"


okay so we left off at the part where bruce snaps his fingers and then thanos attacks the compound

thanos is on earth again meaning so is gamora 👀 but more on that later. they're all on the battlefield, ready to fight with everything they have. for natasha. for everyone. adelaide is pissed because thanos not only took everyone she loved, but because of him, natasha had to sacrifice herself and she's more angry than sad. so she's ready to kick some purple ass.

so they're fighting and then ofc we all know the scene where the head the voices and slowly, one by one by one all the portals open and those who died five years ago come pouring out until they have a remarkable army standing before the titan. that scene that gives everyone the chills every time they see it.

and within that army, there's a boy.

a boy by the name of peter parker...

She caught his eye across the field, immediately feeling a spark light through her body as if she had been struck by lightning. Her lips parted.

He was here.

Peter Parker was here again.

She felt frozen in where she was standing as he walked towards her. Adelaide was only partially sure that she wasn't dreaming. She had had dreams like this before. It was all she had dreamt about for years. Her heart began beating faster. Her entire body was on her fire.

Peter Parker, the boy whose name she'd written half a million times to keep him alive. The boy whose clothes she'd worn every day to pretend he was still there. The boy who had somehow made his way so deep into her heart that when he died five years ago, she had completely fallen apart. He was here.

And suddenly, after five long years, he was standing in front of her again.

She swallowed, taking everything — everything — in all at once. Brown hair, chocolate eyes, dorky smile, everything she had cried about for five years. Now it was all living and breathing in front of her.

She held her breath.

Peter smiled.

That fucking smile she thought she'd never see again.

Something pricked the corner of her eyes. tears, maybe. Though it hurt like it was much more than that. She still found herself unable to move anything but her eyes as she gazed up at him. He was standing less than a foot in front of her, but she didn't dare lift her hand to touch him. She didn't think she could bear it if he wasn't real, if he wasn't really here.

"Hey," he breathed, "I was looking for you, but then Dr. Strange said to follow him and he knew where you were. How did you get here?"

How did she get here?

"PETER!" she screamed as loud as she could until her throat hurt. Hot tears burned her eyes. Peter couldn't be gone. He was around here somewhere—

"Most of the quote-unquote 'food' and potable water ran out two weeks ago." Tony sighed, looking over at the other three slumped against the floor, sprawled around their ship. Adie was the only one awake. She hardly slept anymore and Tony couldn't blame her. They were out of food and water so Tony could only hope that she would be lucky enough to pass in her sleep. He often felt guilty for thinking that way, but there was no more that he could do. No amount of kicking and screaming would help him save his daughter so the most he could hope for was that she died in his arms, peacefully, in her sleep. The thought kept him up every night, wondering which one would be their last. If he would go before her—

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