Chapter Thirty-Two

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A/N: helloo

i am officially all moved back into my dorm and literally exhausted down to my bones. i think i realized i might be depressed which is okay bc i've been down this road before and it lasted like three? months but idk how long this will last. i haven't had any signs of feeling better in weeks so now i'm just rolling with it

it is what it is, i guess

but, anyway, this chapter is the climax of this arc and the chapter after this is going to leave you screaming, believe me

"Have you heard of something

called infinity stones, Adelaide?"

When Adelaide opened her eyes, the first thing she knew was that her head was hurting like a bitch.

And she was angry. Confused, but angry.

She finally decided to be more trusting and who did she decide to start with? Phin. Phin, the girl who pretended to be nice to her. Phin, the girl who pulled her away from her group. Phin, the girl who drugged her and took her was she?

The girl lifted her head, looking around. She was in a storage facility? Or some kind of a basement. She looked down at her body. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed to a metal chair with leather cuffs like she'd never seen before. She tried pulling her wrists out of them with a grunt, but nothing.

Then she realized that there was someone else tied to a similar chair with rope across from her with a bag over his head. He was still passed out, by the looks of it. She gritted her teeth, tugging at her wrists again. She'd never seen cuffs like these before. They were impossible to break out of. Upon closer inspection, she realized that the man didn't have the same cuffs as her. He was just tied with rope. She frowned. Why the prejudice?

Just then, she heard a door open. Her spine stiffened. There was no knife in her boots today. She didn't think she would need it, considering she was only going to an academic decathlon and the most dangerous person there was Mr. Harrington without caffeine. Even then, the most dangerous thing he did was make a terrible joke. No reason to pack a knife. Unless the joke was really, really awful.

Phin stepped inside. She looked guilty. Her eyes lingered on the man tied to a chair across from her before finally gathering the courage to look at her. Adelaide looked livid. If she hadn't been tied to a chair, Phin wasn't sure she would have had the guts to be in the same room as her right now.


"You fucking bitch," she snapped, "I trust you and this is where it gets me? All this time you were just faking being my friend and for what? To bring me here and kill me?"

"I-I wasn't faking it," Phin said quietly, "You really were— are my friend."

"Last time I checked, friends don't kidnap each other to kill them," Adelaide said.

"Adelaide, please," Phin said, feeling the guilt overflowing through her. She had no choice. She had to do this. But how could she make Adelaide understand?

"Ah, Adelaide Rivers. Welcome, welcome," said a male voice as he walked into the room. He was a tall, bald man dressed luxuriously in a three-piece suit. He entered with a couple bodyguards alongside him and they stopped by the door. Adelaide frowned at the bald man. She had never seen him before. She thought back through all the crooks she and Peter had caught during their time working together as Spider-Man and Blue Phantom. They never encountered this guy. So what did he want with her now?

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