Chapter Seventy-Three

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A/N: here we go with another angsty chapter. warnings for self harm and suicidal thoughts.


"I'm trying to help you!"


so it's been a couple days since his death, but to adelaide, time might as well not exist anymore.

things have been chaos at the cabin. the phone keeps ringing. people who don't live there are staying and they all just won't stop asking her how she's doing and she wants to yell at everyone to get out. she hasn't spoken to anyone but peter since it happened, and even then it's only been a few words. morgan is too scared to sleep alone now so she comes into adelaide's bed at night and sleeps next to her. pepper doesn't sleep. she can't even look at their bedroom anymore. she hasn't slept in days.

neither has adelaide. she wants her body to find its end soon so she can join him again.

the funeral is today and everyone they know is coming, but she couldn't care less. she's dead to the world.

"where is she?" pepper asked. happy somberly shook his head and pepper felt the tears welling up in her eyes for the millionth time. she had to come to the funeral.

"please," pepper said to happy desperately, "find her and bring her here. she has to be here."

"i'll find her," happy told her and pepper nodded, biting her lip to keep the sob from escaping. she took a deep breath, smoothed her dress to regain herself, and went to get morgan to bring her down. adelaide had to come. pepper wasn't going to let this family fall apart. tony wouldn't want that. she had to keep both of their daughters together, with her. they were only ever going to get through this together.

adelaide stood away from everyone else. she was invisible, no one could see her. she felt so numb, like a rock. she worried that there wasn't any human left in her. she had lost her grip on reality and there seemed to be no way back. adelaide wanted to cry, but the tears weren't coming and every time she tried, it just felt like someone was reaching down her throat and squeezing her heart until it ached. everything ached so much.

it took every bit of energy in her body to just stand there at her father's funeral.

according to everyone else, adelaide had not come to the funeral.

and no one saw her after that.

because she had gotten into her car and drove the hell away from that stupid cabin.


adelaide had moved into the penthouse on park avenue that tony had bought for her. she had initially planned to move there after she had finished traveling, but she couldn't live in that cabin for one more second. she had everything she needed here and, most importantly, memories of tony didn't haunt every corner.

she sat at the counter by the kitchen and popped open a beer for herself. she couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. adelaide stared at the loosely furnished apartment, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do now. she considered lying down right here and forcing her body to stay awake until she died on her kitchen floor. she didn't have enough beers to get alcohol poisoning. there were no painkillers in the medicine cabinet. in fact, there was nothing in the medicine cabinet except for bandaids.

adelaide chucked the beer bottle at the wall and then stared at the jagged, broken glass for a long, long time.

then came the tears.

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