Chapter Fifty-Eight

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A/N: hellooo!!

welcome to another chapter of traumatized marvel siblings who can't get along. i recently saw an edit of all the marvel siblings and marvel really puts them through the ringer lol

anyway, this chapter picks up right where the last one left off, so enjoy!

"If you try anything, I have Tony's

head of security with me

and he's lethal."

It was late at night. Or maybe early in the morning.

Griffin had no way of knowing. His phone had died long ago and he found himself feeling paralyzed as he lied on the floor by the couch, the orange bottle of pills empty in his hand. He stared up at the dark ceiling because it was the only thing he could look at. His eyes were hollow, dark.

And all he could think about was Gamora.

How she must have felt in those final moments. How much of a fucking jackass he was that he was never brave enough to apologize to her when she was alive. How he would have been able to save her if he'd done something to make Thanos love him a little bit more than her.

How he'd never be able to give her another hug again.

Somewhere, Griffin heard the door to the apartment opening as Roger walked in. He couldn't move his head to look. The corners of his vision were fading, blurring. His eyes burned and a tear rolled down the side of his face.

"Will? Yo, where you at?" Roger said, tossing his keys on the counter. Griffin couldn't move a finger.

"Will? You here, man?"

Footsteps. Coming closer. Griffin closed his eyes, more tears flowing from his eyes. He just wanted to see Gamora again so he could apologize. So she could know that he loved her and he was sorry for everything.

"Will? Shit! Will? Fucking hell, man," Roger said, dropping to his knees next to his roommate's unmoving body on the floor. Griffin felt his hands on his shoulders, shaking him. Griffin still couldn't move.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Roger cursed, snatching the empty bottle of pills from his hand. His frantic eyes scanned the label before tossing it aside.

"What did you do, man?" Roger breathed, running his hands through his hair. He was trying not to panic just yet. He looked like he was breathing so that meant there was still time. "Okay, okay, I-I'm gonna call somebody. Fuck, who do I call? You got any family? Jesus, fuck. Fuck. Okay, okay, I-I'll call 911. You-You're gonna be fine."

Griffin closed his eyes and he saw Gamora behind them. He let out a small breath.

All he wanted was to see her again.

Griffin gritted his teeth, gripping the glass of sipping whiskey in his hand tightly. After storming off from his fight with Adelaide an hour ago, he had found himself at the strip club next door to the Gypsy Rose, but it didn't distract him like it usually did.

Even though Kiki was doing better than usual tonight, he was just out of it. He sighed, swallowing the rest of his sipping whiskey down in just one gulp. It burned its way down his throat. Kiki had a glint in her eyes as she danced on his lap.

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