Chapter Fifty

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A/N: uhh you guys are really not gonna like this chapter...

btw, that gif up there? who do you think is dying? ada? pete? pete and ada? or maybe neither and they're just hugging each other in relief?? only time will tell

but before you get to hating me about 2000 words from now, i just wanted to say thank you for 100k on this book!! literally feels like it happened so fast 💛


"I'm sorry."


The whole planet was silent.

They were all too scared to even talk. Making conversation felt pointless when they had no idea if they would be alive long enough to finish it. Everyone was terrified. Griffin's words hung heavy in the air and they were the last words spoken. No one dared to say anything after that.

Adelaide was too scared to even blink. Any time she would feel a sharp pain from her wounds, she immediately thought to herself this is it, he snapped his fingers and now I'm dying. But the pain faded away and she would squeeze both Tony's and Peter's hand to make sure she was still here and so were they. It was a living nightmare. Never ending torture. Like having a gun facing you without knowing when the trigger would be pulled.

She felt like she hadn't properly taken a breath in hours. Her anxiety was gnawing away at her. How was it possible that the day she finally met her brother was the day she was killed? Her gaze flitted over to Griffin sitting on the ground with his back leaning against a rock. Quill had knocked him out before he could try anything so he was still tied up in webs and unconscious.

She wondered how close he had been with Gamora. She wondered if he would ever come to care for her that much. If they made it out of this alive.

He had their father's nose and eyes. He looked so much like him. She wanted to stare at him for hours until his face felt as familiar as her own. She wondered what their parents would say if they ever met him. Adelaide had so much she wanted to say to him that she had no idea where to even begin. But what was the point if she was about to die anyway?

What if she opened her mouth and all she could say was his name before death came for her?

She swallowed. Her throat felt so dry. This was the worst kind of torture. There was absolutely no way of knowing when they were in the clear. She had no idea how much time had passed or how much time would pass until this was all over.

"Talk," she told Peter, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Please." The silence felt like death had already arrived. Peter squeezed her hand.

"When we get back home, I'll take you out to a nice restaurant for dinner. The kind where they cook your food in front of you," he said quietly, making her smile.

"You can't afford that," she said.

"It'll be on me," Tony said, squeezing her hand.

"Mm. And then?" she asked him.

"And then, we can take a walk through the city together and listen to the street musicians play. We'll go to that ice cream shop you really like and we'll share a cone together in Central Park."

"Chocolate," she told him quietly. He leaned his head against hers.

"Anything you want, love," he whispered. She could hear the fear in his shaky voice. "Anything at all."

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