Chapter Two

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i just really want to get this story rolling so i thought what better way to do that than publish a surprise chapter!!

this chapter is also muy emotional and you might shed more tears, but more importantly, we're getting closer and closer to my favorite chapter which is sooner than you can imagine!!

as for now, enjoy this extremely fluffy and lovely chapter!

"Boss, a short, Russian man

just dropped off a package."

"Mr. Stark," the doctor greeted the billionaire. He nodded, letting himself inside the doctor's office.

"Before you say anything," Tony said, "Please tell me Adie's able to go home now. She has been driving everyone crazy with her cabin fever."

The doctor chuckled, "I understand her feeling antsy, but I have to say, since she woke up from her coma four days ago, her recovery has been incredible. I've never had patient recover from what she has overcome. Adelaide is a fighter."

"It's the Stark genes," Tony shrugged. The doctor looked at him strangely.

"Er, sure. But my point is that Adelaide will be able to be home for Christmas," he said.

"That's it? No buts?" Tony asked.

"Nope. Adelaide has passed the threshold of imminent danger. Her miraculous recovery means that you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure she takes her medicines on time for the next week and she'll be back to normal once again."

It was the best news Tony had heard in a long time.


When Adelaide walked into the penthouse the next morning, it looked like Christmas had thrown up all over her home.

"Did they move the North Pole here or something?" she asked as she looked around the room. Happy smiled. He, of course, had overlooked the decorating. And by overlooking, he meant firing the guys Pepper had hired and doing it all himself.

"Merry Christmas, honey," Pepper smiled, wrapping her arm around the teenager. Adelaide smiled too and leaned her head against the woman's shoulder.

"Merry Christmas," she said quietly.

"Okay, one more surprise," Tony said, picking out two gifts out of the million others from under the huge, flashy tree. She wondered how Pepper had ever approved this Christmas monstrosity. She was sure half the power in New York was running through their tree right now. He handed one box to her and Adelaide took it with a questioning look. It had a bit of weight to it, but the gift itself wasn't large. She unwrapped the ribbon and tore the wrapping paper away. She glanced up at Tony before opening the box.

It was the ugliest sweater she had ever seen.

There was a Christmas tree on the front, made with something that made it feel like an actual tree. Not to mention the 3D ornaments that hung from the 'leaves' and the green sleeves that were also made from the same material as the tree on the front. It was horrendous. She loved it instantly.

"Custom made to be as ugly as possible," Tony said. Adelaide grinned. She handed the box to Pepper and pulled the sweater on over her shirt. She glanced down at it.

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