Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: hey guys

so i'm not feeling too good lately. idk it might be the seasonal depression or the fact that i haven't seen the sun come out in days or the fact that i rewatched and am currently rereading thg and i forgot how much i love a certain blond-headed boy or the fact that we have another covid surge and i feel like we're still living in 2020 and two years of my life have been stolen— this could go on for a really long time

anyway, not to rant, but i've been feeling like shit lately and the worst part is how comfortable it feels to be back here mentally again :)

kinda long chapter, sorta gets boring around the end. i'm sorry, i just don't have the energy to write it better. also no gif today, idk


"I'll break up with you if you get out of bed."


The next morning, Adelaide woke up alone in the top bunk of Peter's bed with no missed calls from Tony.

She rubbed her sleepy face, groaning into her pillow as last night slowly came back to her. Maybe she had overreacted at the restaurant in the heat of her anger. But then again, what she said had been true.

She checked her phone again, but nothing had changed. She dropped it onto the bed and pulled the covers over her face, groaning again.

Then, the door opened and Peter walked inside, showered and dressed for school. She peeked out from underneath her covers and he smiled.

"Morning," he said.

"No," she mumbled, hiding under the covers again. He chuckled.

"It's almost time for school," he said. She shook her head.

"I'm not going today," she said, her voice muffled by the covers, "I'm not getting out of bed. I did a bad thing yesterday."

"You stood up for yourself, that's not so bad," he said. She didn't realize he had walked up to the bed until he pulled her comforter aside a bit to look at her. She opened her eyes, squinting at him sleepily.

"Hi," he smiled.

"Peter," she groaned, pulling the comforter over her head again. He sighed. He forgot how stubborn she was. This might take longer than he had planned. It was actually the reason he had gotten up and dressed first. He knew she would pull something like this in the morning.

"Ada, come on," he said, poking her ribs over the comforter, "We'll miss the bus."

"Go without me," she mumbled, hiding deeper under her comforter of shame, "In fact, you should probably just break up with me like Tony said to last night. I'm no good for you. I yell at fathers and say mean things to them. You don't wanna be with me. I'm a horrible, horrible person."

"I'll break up with you if you get out of bed," he bribed.

"Нет. Уходи," said the covers. (No. Leave.)

"Hey that's not fair. You know that the only thing I know in Russian is I love you," he frowned, "And that didn't sound like I love you. You know, I'm not really feeling the love here, sweetheart."

"Pete, I'm not going. You're wasting your time."

"I'll make chocolate chip pancakes again?" he tried. It worked last time so it was worth a shot.

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