Chapter Sixty-Eight

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A/N: important—please read

i know i'm super late with this update but i've just been so busy with school and also writer's block has been an issue too lately

which is why i want to be honest about something.

i've been writing this story for a lot of years now and it's always been there in my life. i started it when i was sixteen and now i'm twenty, almost twenty-one and the love that you've showered it and all the characters with has been so so so incredible sometimes i still can't believe it ever got as popular as it did

but lately...i've been having thoughts about quitting. which sucks. because it's come such a long way to end like this and i have the rest of it all planned out and everything but i'm in my twenties now and this is something i started as a teenager and well, i just can't imagine writing this for even more years. i want to do something else, something different and i can't do both at the same time.

i hate to be the type of author who leaves a book unfinished like this especially when it's gone on for so long and i love and respect adelaide so much that i feel so incredibly guilty when i think about this, but i know that's it's probably best. this was going to be my last book on this app before i stopped using it anyway. i just...i don't feel motivated at all to keep this up. which sucks because i really thought that i would finish this someday but someday ended up being like four/five years away and sometime in those years...i changed.

but, i have an idea. it's kind of crappy and is in no way shape or form a substitute for a fully completed book, but here it is.

i know what happens in the rest of this story, i have it all planned out. I also have bits and pieces of scenes written here and there. so i suggest that i upload those scenes as chapters and just fill you in on the blanks through the author's notes. i have chapters for post endgame and pre ffh and nwh and the last few chapters and the epilogue. it's really hard to write the chapters that come from the movies and it's super time consuming and draining for someone who already feels unmotivated so i thought instead of writing out chapters where things happen that you guys already watched in the movies, i just publish what i have which is those original scenes i wrote with adelaide that happen before/after the movies because you guys already know what happens in the movies.

so, what do you guys think? does that kind of maybe sound okay?

i also want to apologize for springing this on you like this, but i've been feeling this way for a while now which is also why this chapter took so long to get out in the first place. i just thought it would be better to be honest about this as possible. i'm sorry for bringing things to this. i hope you guys can understand.

but, for now, i have this full chapter and another complete one for next wednesday so we'll see where to go after that

"Better not be something

I can wear to a strip club."

She was wrapped up in his arms again.

They were lying down together in his old bunk bed. The room was dark, quiet. The two teenagers were hanging onto the rhythm of each other's breathing. Adelaide closed her eyes, a breath escaping her own lips. Her face was buried into his chest. She couldn't see his face, but she felt the ridges of his nose buried into her hair. There was something different about him, something subtle. He felt older, more mature.

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