Chapter Sixty-Three

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A/N: hellooo

so college has started up for me again so that's lovely. other than that, i don't really have any personal news but i'm facing a bit of writer's block lately so that sucks :/

anyway, last chapter, griffin was an idiot and wrote his master plan down on a piece of paper that adelaide read and then stormed off in anger and that's exactly where we pick up in this chapter!

"I just saved your life.

And you want to get rid of me?"

All Adelaide could see was red as she stormed down the hall of the motel. Everything was a blur and she was just one minute away from emptying her stomach out onto the ugly carpet.

So when she literally bumped into another stranger going in the direction opposite to her, she exploded. Normally, she would have been the one to apologize, but right now was just a horrible time to piss her off. She spun around, ready to rattle off the angry words on the tip of her tongue. But all words were lost to her when she realized who he was.

She heard a click and looked up to find one of the two Italians, holding a gun to her head.

"Qualche parola finale, bella?" he asked with an arrogant smile (Any last words, beautiful?).

"Sì, bello. Hai bisogno di qualcuno che ti mostri qui intorno?" she smirked (Yeah, handsome. Do you need someone to show you around here?).

"Maybe some other time, sweetheart," he grinned before pulling the trigger.

Her eyes widened, lips parting in surprise. She thought those two men had been arrested that night. How was one of them still here? And was he the one who killed Rosa Gonzales, the bank employee from the night of the robbery? He looked worse than he did that night. Dark circles hung low below his clouded eyes and stubble spotted his face. A nasty cut below his eye was healing terribly. But it was undoubtedly him.

"You," she breathed before she could stop herself.

He didn't recognize her, of course. But with his track record, it was always best to run from anyone who recognized him. So that's what he did.

He turned and bolted.

Adelaide was immediately hot on his trail, tearing down the hall after him. She could feel her hoverboard in her pocket, the size of a keychain at the moment, but there was no time to take it out right now. She had to get to him first. She didn't even have any weapons on hand right now. There was a handgun and blade in her car, but that was all the way across the street and right now, they were sprinting in the opposite direction.

The man burst through the backdoor at the end of the hall and closed it behind himself. She cursed, pushing it open with her shoulder and stumbling outside. He was waiting right there and shoved a full trashcan onto her before making a run for it. She groaned in annoyance and shoved the heavy trashcan off before pushing herself to her feet again and chasing after him.

He took a sharp left out of the alley, momentarily out of her sight. She pushed herself to go faster and when she turned the corner, her blue eyes frantically searched for him in the throng of people walking along the sidewalks. She spotted his blue hoodie moving through the crowd slowly as he tried to blend in. She clenched her jaw.

He looked over his shoulder, spotting her there, and then immediately broke into a run again, shoving and pushing people out of his way. Adelaide didn't miss a beat and pushed her way through the crowd to follow him.

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