Chapter Seventy-Seven

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A/N: so i'm a few days late, i had to move back to my dorm and things just got a little bit busy but i'm all moved in and hopeful for the last semester of my junior year!!

i'm also fresh out of comfort shows so if you guys have any recs, i would really appreciate it. so far i've bulldozed through new girl, jane the virgin, friends, how i met your mother, gossip girl, and gilmore girls...yeah, i've really kept myself busy lol

but anyway, if anyone knows of similar shows that give you that warm, fuzzy feeling, i'd really appreciate it!!

and now, onto the (only slightly depressing) chapter!




Nobody questioned her sudden appearance when she walked through the Tower. She suspected the odd looks were mostly because of her hospital gown which was fair.

She went to the elevators without interacting with anyone. No one tried to talk to the late Tony Stark's eldest daughter in the hospital gown. They avoided her eyes and pretended to not stare. They were doing a terrible job in her opinion.

After what seemed like hours, the doors opened and stepped inside, hitting the button for the penthouse. When she leaned back against the wall, the metal felt cold against her back. The flimsy hospital gown did nothing. She was basically wearing paper.

She held her breath as the elevator doors opened into the penthouse.

Her face twisted in pain as she saw her house. She hadn't expected to feel this overwhelmed by the sight of the penthouse frozen in time like this.

Like his death had never happened. Like he was down in his lab right now and she could hear him working if she held her breath. Like he would come out of the kitchen any second with a pizza and beer in each hand and a bright smile on his face. There were so many memories here. So many. He had been in every single corner of this place.

The elevator doors closed behind her, but she stood there, right in front of them, unable to move.

Her heavy gaze slowly surveyed the room and she felt the familiar aching in her heart, spreading around to her chest like a disease. She clenched her jaw. She wanted to step into the room, but she just couldn't move. So she stood there as the minutes passed by, observing but not interacting. If she went inside, if she touched anything, then it would lose his essence. Her presence would taint the only place left that preserved her father perfectly.

Her teary blue eyes looked at the sofa.

"I was gonna watch that," she said, plopping down next to him with a box of chocolates. He tried to grab a piece, but she flicked his hand away. He frowned, but then shrugged it off.

"So how was school?" he asked.

"Well, I met this guy who saw my keychain and now he thinks that my uncle is good friends with Tony Stark so I promised I'd get him a signed one tomorrow," she said, biting into a chocolate. Tony laughed.

"Poor kid," he said, stealing a chocolate from her. "You're killing him." She frowned, pulling the box away from him.

"It's not like I was gonna tell him that I live with Tony Stark. I don't want that much attention."

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