Chapter Sixty-Two

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A/N: hi and welcome back :)

not much to say other than i'm facing serious writer's block and haven't written any new chapters for this story in weeks 😬

dw, there's still plenty pre-written chapters to get us through

enjoy this one!


"You asshole!"


The whole drive home, the car was silent, save for the soft music playing in the background.

Adelaide was drumming her fingers against the wheel, feeling frustrated with herself but not knowing why. Maybe it was because she couldn't think of the right words to say or maybe it was because she regretted showing him the illusion in the first place. Or maybe she was frustrated with her brother for shutting her out just when things were finally getting better between them. Now he'd want to race back to New Orleans the second they got home and she'd probably never see or hear from him again.

It was one of those reasons, if not all of them, that compelled her to drive to a bar in the city instead of going home.

"Come on," she said, undoing her seatbelt once they were parked on the street. Griffin frowned at her.

"What?" His eyes landed on the sign hanging on the building they had parked by. "We're at a bar."

"You could use a drink," she muttered, "I think this is the longest you've gone without talking since I met you." He blinked at her in confusion.

"But you're underage. And it's four in the afternoon," he said. She glared at him like he had no option.

"I'm not here for a drink, just for the company. Now, come on already," she said, stepping out of the car. Griffin had a feeling she'd lose it if he refused and just stayed in the car so he stepped outside too. They were somewhere in the city and the bar looked way over his budget. As long as she was paying, there was no such thing as a budget which Griffin was perfectly okay with.

He glanced once again at the sign as they wandered in. Death and Company, the rustic sign read. It didn't take that long after walking in and noticing the dimmed lighting and mahogany tables and marble bar top and bartenders walking around in bowties that Griffin realized that this was a cocktail bar. No, it was a really nice cocktail bar. He couldn't stop swiveling his head around to take it in. After staring at the old, musty walls of the Gypsy Rose, this was an improvement, to say the least.

"I'll have a Shirley Temple," Adelaide told the bartender and Griffin realized they were already at the bar, "And he'll have a..." She turned to look at him, her expression asking him what he wanted.

"An Old Fashioned," he said as he sat down. The bartender nodded and turned away to make their drinks.

"So," Adelaide said, deciding to just ask him directly, "what's the plan after this?"

"I'll fill up the tank in my car and...get on my way," he lied. He actually plans to crash at a motel around here so he could plan for breaking into the compound without Adelaide meddling. Adelaide tried to hide the disappointment from clouding her face.

"Will I see you again?" she asked.

"Adelaide," he sighed heavily.

She glared at him, her frustration returning in a flood and, this time, she realized it was directed at him. Here she was, putting forth all this effort and he couldn't even be bothered to try.

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