Chapter Five

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I WON'T MAKE YOU WAIT ANY LONGER JUST READ IT!!!!!!!!!! (so incredibly sorry for the cliffhanger in advance 😬)


"I have to tell you something."


Adelaide didn't have the heart to go back downstairs to the party.

So she sat down in a chair beside Flash's desk and held her head in her hands as she cried quietly to herself in the dark. God, she was so stupid. All she did was say all the wrong things. Why couldn't she just say yes? Why was it so hard to admit to Peter that she needed him?

"Adelaide?" someone said in a voice that she recognized as Ned's. She quickly wiped her tears away with the back of her hand before he walked inside the room. She sniffled quietly as he spotted her. Ned frowned at the sight of her red eyes.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, "Where's Peter?"

At that, she broke down into tears again. Ned immediately appeared by her side and wrapped her into a hug. He gently patted her back as she calmed down, trying to catch her breath.

"Did Peter say something to you?" Ned asked carefully. Adelaide shook her head, pulling away from him. She sniffled, staring at the ground. Ned crouched down in front of her, reaching up to wipe her tears away and push her hair away from her face. "What's wrong? You're starting to scare me."

Her lower lip trembled, "He's gone, Ned. He said he's done waiting for me. E-Even though he promised."

Ned frowned. That was not what he and Peter had discussed yesterday when he had come to his house. Ned saw in his eyes how much he loved Adelaide. Clearly, there had been a misunderstanding between the two. Peter was in love with her, why would he leave the girl he loves?

"Okay, okay, back up. What did he say exactly?" Ned asked. Adelaide tried to catch her breath.

"H-He said that I-I needed to make up my mind. Th-That he wanted an answer from me right now b-because things were different now," she said, "I thought we were fine, Ned. I-I honestly don't know what happened."

Ned wondered if he should tell Adelaide the real reason why Peter left like that or what all of that stuff he said really meant. Then, he remembered how scared Peter looked yesterday when he had admitted that he was in love with Adelaide. He wanted to know how she felt without tell her the truth about his own feelings because he was afraid of exactly this happening.

And then Ned decided that it was time for an intervention.

These two had been running in circles around each other since the first day they met and he knew that without a third person literally taking their hands and dragging them together, they would never solve things between themselves. Ned knew that he had to be that third person. Otherwise, one day, they would both be seventy years old and still scared of admitting how much they need each other. And Ned didn't know about Vivian, but did not want to spent his remaining life in a retirement home watching these two bickering all day.

"Adelaide, Peter is right," he said slowly. She looked up at him with a frown. Her blue eyes shone in the glow from the pool.

"How can you say that? You know better than anyone how much I've been through," she said, her voice nasal from the crying. She couldn't believe Ned was taking her side. Did no one understand her?

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