Chapter Nine

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A/N: hello!

so the nwh trailer finally dropped!! idk why but everything has felt so surreal ever since it came out. like i feel as if it's new years or something big is about to happen lol

not to mention that shang chi is coming out next week!! sooo excited to get another marvel film

anyway, this chapter starts off with a short jump in time so that means that their date aka the previous chapter, happened about three weeks ago and they've made it official for three weeks now and school has started at some point in those weeks


"Hey, you just missed

Pepper doing a backflip."

JANUARY 20, 2017

Ever since they had started dating three weeks ago, it was impossible to keep their hands off of each other.

Even if they were just innocently sitting in the cafeteria, Peter would sit right beside her with his leg pressing against hers and it would drive her crazy to the point where sometimes she couldn't even pay attention to what Vivian was talking to her about because her heart was racing so fast. When they were standing in the hallway, it was the same deal. Rarely could they stand more than an inch apart from each other.

Or when they were sitting beside each other in class and Peter would just innocently rest his hand on her knee, knowing damn well that it made it impossible for her to concentrate on the teacher. Even when they just walked past each other in the hallway, she would just brush his arm and Peter couldn't stop thinking about it for the next hour. Or when she absentmindedly licked her lips and all Peter was capable of thinking of was doing the same to her.

Sometimes, all it took was catching each other's eye across the room and next thing they knew, they would have to make a bathroom excuse to sneak out of class only to find an empty hallway to make out in.

Like this morning, for example.

Adelaide's back hit the wall as Peter kissed her hard.

No one was ever in this hallway at school, so they were fine. Besides, it was just so hard to not want to kiss Peter all day. Especially today when he showed up this morning wearing that cologne she'd bought for him. She could literally make out with him all day. And that's exactly what she had been planning to do.

"What if..." Peter started, tilting his head further to kiss her more deeply, "someone...walks by?" It took a minute for the words to actually reach her brain as she was so focused on the feeling of his lips against hers.

"Let them," she mumbled, pulling him closer by the hair. He chuckled, gripping her waist. He kissed the corner of her mouth and then, to her disappointment, he pulled away. It took Adelaide a moment to snap out of her daze.

"What?" she breathed, slightly annoyed. He gave her a lopsided grin.

"Empty classroom?" he said, slightly out of breath too. Adelaide noticed how swollen his lips looked and she scolded herself for stopping their make-out session even it was Peter who had stopped it. Life was too short to stop kissing him. Even for a moment.

"Fine," she mumbled, pushing herself off the wall, "C'mon."

She led him around the corner to a hallway where they used to have the art classes before they moved them upstairs. Looking around to make sure that no one was there, she grabbed the first door and turned the handle.

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